ExportStyle Method
Object.ExportStyle FileName
Applies To
Exports the style of the Measurement Studio control to a file.
A style is the complete current state of a control. For example, on a CWSlide control the current values of pointers, all colors, all fonts, and all imported images are examples of a current state that is saved.
Use ExportStyle to save the style of a control after you have configured it. For example, if you often create a new CWGraph control and set properties such as tick colors, axes ranges, and background colors, you can save the style of a graph once you have configured it. Then, when you want to create a graph of the same style, create a new graph, access the property pages, and import the exported style.
A style can be imported or exported from the property page or programmatically using ExportStyle.
FileName As String
The name of the style file to save.
'Export a style
CWGraph1.ExportStyle "c:\LogGraph.cwx"
'Import a style into graph2
CWGraph2.ImportStyle "c:\LinearGraph.cwx"