
NI IMAQ Function



rval imgSessionTriggerRead2(SESSION_ID sid, IMG_SIGNAL_TYPE triggerType, uInt32 triggerNumber, uInt32 polarity, uInt32* status);


Reads the current value of the specified trigger line.


Name Type Direction
sid SESSION_ID input
triggerType IMG_SIGNAL_TYPE input
triggerNumber uInt32 input
polarity uInt32 input
status uInt32* output
rval Int32 output

Parameter Discussion

sid: valid SESSION_ID.

triggerType: type of trigger line to use. triggerType can be one of the following constants:

Note Note  To use the ISO_IN or RS422_IN signals on the NI PCI-1426, select External as the Trigger Type for your function and choose ISO In or RS-422 In as the Signal Level for the trigger line in Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX).

triggerNumber: number of the trigger line to use.

polarity: polarity of the trigger line. polarity can be one of the following constants:

IMG_TRIG_POLAR_ACTIVELAsserts the trigger line when the signal is low.
IMG_TRIG_POLAR_ACTIVEHAsserts the trigger line when the signal is high.

status: pointer to a variable to receive the state of the trigger. Upon return, the function sets status to a non-zero value if the trigger is asserted and to a zero value if the trigger is unasserted.

Return Value

This function returns 0 on success. On failure, this function returns an error code. For information about the error code, call imgShowError.