
NI IMAQ Function



rval imgSessionFitROI(SESSION_ID boardid, IMG_ROI_FIT_MODE fitMode, uInt32 top, uInt32 left, uInt32 height, uInt32 width, uInt32* fittedTop, uInt32* fittedLeft, uInt32* fittedHeight, uInt32* fittedWidth);


Evaluates the region of interest (ROI) you specify, and returns valid left, top, height, and width values. Returns an ROI that NI-IMAQ is guaranteed to be able to acquire and that best accommodates the ROI you specify.


Name Type Direction
sid SESSION_ID input
fitMode IMG_ROI_FIT_MODE input
top uInt32 input
left uInt32 input
height uInt32 input
width uInt32 input
fittedTop uInt32* output
fittedLeft uInt32* output
fittedHeight uInt32* output
fittedWidth uInt32* output

Parameter Discussion

sid: valid SESSION_ID.

fitMode: next smallest or next largest acquirable ROI. The following are valid values for this parameter:


top: top coordinate to fit.

left: left coordinate to fit.

height: height coordinate to fit.

width: width coordinate to fit.

fittedTop: fitted ROI top coordinate.

fittedLeft: fitted ROI left coordinate.

fittedHeight: fitted ROI height coordinate.

fittedWidth: fitted ROI width coordinate.

Return Value

This function returns 0 on success. On failure, this function returns an error code. For information about the error code, call imgShowError.