Rise Time

NI DC Power Supply & SMU

Rise Time

Rise time specifies the time duration for the output to transition from 10% to 90% of the programmed voltage at the maximum current. Use the following equation to calculate the rise time for a single-pole system.

Rise Time = 2.2 × time constant


Using the rise time, you can calculate the bandwidth using the following equation.

Bandwidth = 0.35 / Rise Time

Settling Time

Settling time specifies the time required for an output channel to reach a stable mode of operation. You can calculate the settling time to any maximum level of error desired for a single-pole system using the time constant and the following rule:

Settling Time = (decades × 2.3 × time constant)

where decades is decades of settling as determined by the desired maximum error (settling to 1% error = 2 decades, 0.1% = 3 decades, and so on). For example, calculating the settling to 1% error, settling time is (2 × 2.3 × time constant); calculating the settling time to 0.1% error, settling time is (3 × 2.3 × time constant).

If the maximum error desired falls on an uneven number of decades, use the following equation to calculate settling time:

Settling Time = -Ln(maximum error desired) × time constant

where Ln is the natural logarithm.

For example, calculating the settling to 0.05% error, settling time is (-Ln(0.0005) × time constant), or (7.6 × time constant).

Settling time can be added by placing a delay between the function used to set an output and the function used to measure the output. In LabVIEW, the Wait(ms), Wait Until Next ms Multiple, or Time Delay functions can be used to add additional delay time. Refer to the LabVIEW Help for more information about these VIs.