Programming the Output
NI DC power supplies or SMUs have two possible output functions: DC Voltage and DC Current. To force a voltage, set the output function to NIDCPOWER_VAL_DC_VOLTAGE using the niDCPower_ConfigureOutputFunction function or DC Voltage using the niDCPower Configure Output Function VI. To force a current, set the output function to NIDCPOWER_VAL_DC_CURRENT using the niDCPower_ConfigureOutputFunction function or DC Current using the niDCPower Configure Output Function VI.
When you select the DC Voltage output function, the instrument attempts to generate the desired output voltage level as long as the output current is below the current limit. You can program the voltage level with the niDCPower Configure Voltage Level VI or the niDCPower_ConfigureVoltageLevel function. You can program the current limit with the niDCPower Configure Current Limit VI or the niDCPower_ConfigureCurrentLimit function.
When the DC Current output function is selected, the instrument attempts to generate the desired output current level as long as the output voltage is below the voltage limit. You can program the current level with the niDCPower Configure Current Level VI or the niDCPower_ConfigureCurrentLevel function. You can program the voltage limit with the niDCPower Configure Voltage Limit VI or the niDCPower_ConfigureVoltageLimit function.