NI PXI-4130 Front Panel

NI DC Power Supply & SMU

NI PXI-4130 Front Panel

The following figure illustrates the NI PXI-4130 front panel.

AOutput Connector, Terminal 0Channel 0 (0 to +6 V)
BOutput Connector, Terminal 1GND
COutput Connector, Terminal 2Channel 1 Output HI (±20 V)
DOutput Connector, Terminal 3Channel 1 Output LO
EOutput Connector, Terminal 4Channel 1 Remote Sense -
FOutput Connector, Terminal 5Channel 1 Remote Sense +
GAuxiliary Power Input Connector, Terminal 0Auxiliary Power Input (+11 V to +15.5 V)
HAuxiliary Power Input Connector, Terminal 1 GND
IAuxiliary Input Fuse Holder
JAuxiliary Input Status IndicatorLED
KChannel 1 Sense Status IndicatorLED
LChannel 1 Output Status IndicatorLED
MChannel 0 Output Status IndicatorLED

Status Indicators

Status indicators on the front panel of the NI PXI-4130 provide feedback about device operation.

Use the following table to determine the state of an output channel using a status indicator.

Status Indicator Channel Output State
(Off) Disabled
Green Enabled (Constant Voltage mode)
Amber Enabled (Constant Current mode)
Red Disabled because of error, such as an overtemperature condition

Use the following table to determine the state of remote sense using the status indicator.

Status Indicator Channel Sense State
(Off) Local Sense Enabled
Green Remote Sense Enabled

Use the following table to determine the state of the auxiliary power input using the status indicator.

Status Indicator Auxiliary Power Input State
(Off) Auxiliary power input disconnected or out of range
Green* Auxiliary power input connected and within range
*Does not indicate that the auxiliary power is in use. To determine if the NI PXI-4130 is using auxiliary power, use the niDCPower Power Source In Use property or the NIDCPOWER_ATTR_POWER_SOURCE_IN_USE attribute.