Movie Preferences
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Movie Preferences
During Auto scrape. Download Fanart for Movies.
If checked then Media Companion will attempt to find a backdrop on TMDB and download it.
Fanart Options
Keep Original Fanart Size
Resize to 960 x 540
Resize to 1280 x 720
If you are running XBMC on an XBox, or other slow system, then you may find that navigation
performance can be improved by reducing the resolution of the backdrop. If the backdrop is lower
resolution than what is selected then it will not be resized.
During Auto scrape. Download Posters For Movies.
Internet Movie Poster Awards
Movie Poster DB
Use the arrow buttons to change the above priority order.
Media Companion will attempt to download a poster from the sources selected from the highest
to the lowest. If a poster is unavailable then it will move down to the next source.
Include IMDB Movie Trailer URL within the nfo file.
Scrapes the trailer URL from IMDB and stores it within the nfo file. The trailer can be downloaded
via Media Companion, or viewed within XBMC.
Display log after scraping Movies
If enabled then the scraper log will be displayed once the scraper has completed its work.
Enable Media Companion to save Media Tags to nfo file.
Media tags include information specific to the actual file and contains details such as resolution,
codecs, audio tracks, languages etc. This can be performed automatically by XBMC now so may
no longer be needed.
Use Folder Names for Scraping
Enabling this option forces Media Companion to ignore the filename when identifying movies.
Instead of the filename, the folder name will be used. The folder used is the one that the movie is
located within. eg.
'D:\Movies\Star Trek (2009)\whatever.avi'
Create folder.jpg for each folder.
Not really needed, but this option creates a copy of the poster and names it 'folder.jpg'
IMDB Mirror.,com
Select your preferred mirror for the IMDB scraper.
IMDB certificate priorities.
Depending on where you live, you may have a particular preference for the rating information
used by Media Companion. Not all movies will have rating certificates for all countries. This
preference allows you to set the order in which certificates are obtained. From top to bottom.
Maximum number of actors to get from IMDB.
IMDB usually contains all actors who appear in a movie. As it was once pointed out to me, do you
really need to know the name of the boy stood at the bus stop. This setting allows you to limit the
number of actors got from IMDB, The default number is 15.
Limit number of genres to scrape from IMDB.
Similar to the above preference, IMDB sometimes has too much useful information to be useful,
returning genres such as;
Action / Adventure / Comedy / Sci-Fi / Fantasy / History / Drama / Family
You can set this preference so that only the first few genres are used.
Advanced Movie Preferences.
Download Actor Thumbs.
This option is not really needed anymore, having been replace by a much simple actor thumbnail
preference that can be enabled from the 'General Preferences'
Nfo Poster Options.
Enabling these settings allow all poster url's from the selected sources to be stored within the
media nfo file.
These posters can be browsed and selected from within XBMC, letting a user change their
selected poster from within XBMC.
The disadvantage of this is that it slows the movie scraper considerably, especially if they are all
selected. Be warned, some sources such as IMDB and MPDB can potentially have hundreds of
Advanced filename setup.
Not really needed anymore. By default, Media Companion will stack filenames.
Stacking occurs when a multi-part movie is identified, and simply removes the multi-part section.
'Star Trek (2009) - cd1.avi' [Media]
'Star Trek (2009) - cd2.avi' [Media]
'Star Trek (2009).tbn' [Poster]
'Star Trek (2009) - fanart.jpg' [Fanart]
By unstacking the fanart and poster, you would end up with:
'Star Trek (2009) - cd1.avi' [Media]
'Star Trek (2009) - cd2.avi' [Media]
'Star Trek (2009) - cd1.tbn' [Poster]
'Star Trek (2009) - cd1 - fanart.jpg' [Fanart]
Both work now, although in the past, what method you used would depend on which version of
XBMC you were using.
Save movie files as 'movie.nfo', 'movie.tbn', and 'fanart.jpg'
This preference is for those who have each movie in its own folder. It is not recommended for use
within Media Companion since it breaks several functions, such as movie playback, and file
When enabled each folder will contain the files;
'Star Trek (2009) - cd1.avi' [Media]
'Star Trek (2009) - cd2.avi' [Media]
'movie,nfo' [metadata]
'folder.jpg' [Poster]
'fanart.jpg' [Fanart]