ReadRecord Method

Log Parser

ReadRecord Method

Reads the next input record.

C++ Syntax


Script Syntax

bDataAvailable = ReadRecord();

Return Value

A Boolean value set to TRUE if a new input record has been read and is available for consumption, or FALSE if there are no more input records to return.


  • An implementation of the ReadRecord method would usually read a new data item from the input and store it internally, waiting for Log Parser to subsequently call the GetValue method multiple times to retrieve the input record field values.
  • The Boolean value returned by the ReadRecord method is used by Log Parser to determine which custom input format methods will be called next.
    If the method returns TRUE, signaling availability of an input record, Log Parser will call the GetValue method multiple times to retrieve the input record field values, followed by a new call to the ReadRecord method to read the next input record.
    If the method returns FALSE, signaling the end of the input data, Log Parser will call the CloseInput method and release the custom input format COM object.


C++ example:

HRESULT CProcessesInputContext::ReadRecord(OUT VARIANT_BOOL *pbDataAvailable)
    if( m_hSnapshot == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
        // This is the first time we have been called

        // Get a shapshot of the current processes
        m_hSnapshot = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot( TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0 );
        if( m_hSnapshot == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
            // Error
            return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() );

        // Get the first entry
        if( !Process32First( m_hSnapshot, &m;_processEntry32 ) )
            DWORD dwLastError = GetLastError();
            if( dwLastError == ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES )
                // No processes
                *pbDataAvailable = VARIANT_FALSE;
                return S_OK;
                // Error
                return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() );
            // There is data available
            *pbDataAvailable = VARIANT_TRUE;
            return S_OK;
        // We have already been called before, and we have already taken a snapshot

        // Get the next entry
        if( !Process32Next( m_hSnapshot, &m;_processEntry32 ) )
            DWORD dwLastError = GetLastError();
            if( dwLastError == ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES )
                // No more processes
                *pbDataAvailable = VARIANT_FALSE;
                return S_OK;
                // Error
                return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() );
            // There is data available
            *pbDataAvailable = VARIANT_TRUE;
            return S_OK;

VBScript example:

Function ReadRecord()

    If m_nIndex >= UBound(m_objQFEArray) Then
        ' Enumeration terminated
        ReadRecord = False
        m_nIndex = m_nIndex + 1
        ReadRecord = True
    End If

End Function

See also:

ILogParserInputContext Interface
GetValue Method
Run Time Interaction
Custom Plugins

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