ADS Input Format

Log Parser

ADS Input Format

The ADS input format returns properties of Active Directory objects.

The ADS input format enumerates the Active Directory objects in the Active Directory Container whose LDAP path is specified in the from-entity, eventually recursing into additional Container objects found during the enumeration.
The information returned for each object depends on the value specified for the objClass parameter.

When the objClass parameter is left unspecified, the ADS input format works in "property mode", returning a record for each property of each object visited during the enumeration.
In this case, input records have a fixed number of fields whose values describe the properties being returned, including a "PropertyName" field and a "PropertyValue" field containing the name and the value of the property being processed.
Queries operating in "property mode" can work on Active Directory objects of different types, and since each input record represents a single object property, they can only reference a single property at a time.

For example, the following command returns the values of all the properties named "comment" from all the objects in the specified path:

LogParser "SELECT PropertyValue FROM LDAP:// WHERE PropertyName = 'comment'" -i:ADS 
The output would look like the following example:
Account Operators
Account Operators
Backup Operators
Backup Operators

When the name of an Active Directory object class is specified for the objClass parameter, the ADS input format works in "object mode", returning a record for each object visited during the enumeration that is an instance of the specified class.
In this case, there is an input record field for each of the properties of the object being returned.
Queries operating in "object mode" can only work on Active Directory objects of a single type, and since each input record represents a single object, they can reference multiple properties of the same object at the same time.

For example, the following command returns the specified properties from all the objects of type "Computer":

LogParser "SELECT cn, operatingSystem, operatingSystemServicePack FROM LDAP://,DC=mydomain,DC=mycompany,DC=com" -i:ADS -objClass:Computer
The output would look like the following example:
cn           operatingSystem         operatingSystemServicePack
------------ ----------------------- --------------------------
SERVER01     Windows XP Professional Service Pack 1
SERVER02     Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2
TESTMACHINE1 Windows Server 2003     -
TESTMACHINE2 Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2
TESTMACHINE3 Windows XP Professional Service Pack 1
TESTMACHINE4 Windows 2000 Server     Service Pack 4

From-Entity Syntax

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