NETMON Input Format

Log Parser

NETMON Input Format

The NETMON input format parses network capture files (.cap files) created by the NetMon Network Monitor application.

The NETMON input format works in two different modes, selectable through the fMode parameter.

When the "fMode" parameter is set to "TCPIP", the NETMON input format returns an input record for each TCP/IP packet found in the capture file.
In this case, input records contain fields from the TCP and IP packet headers, together with the payload of each packet.
For example, the following command returns the specified fields from the TCP/IP packets in the capture file:

LogParser "SELECT SrcPort, TCPFlags, PayloadBytes FROM MyCapture.cap" -fMode:TCPIP
The output of this command would look like the following sample:
SrcPort TCPFlags PayloadBytes
------- -------- ------------
445     A        1
1146    A        0
1336    S        0
80      AS       0
1336    A        0
1336    AP       283
1336    A        1431
80      A        0
1336    A        1431
1336    AP       549

When the "fMode" parameter is set to "TCPConn", the NETMON input format returns an input record for each TCP connection found in the capture file.
In this case, input records contain fields calculated by aggregating all the TCP packets in the connection, including the reconstructed payload sent by both endpoints.
For example, the following command returns the specified fields from the TCP connections in the capture file:

LogParser "SELECT SrcPort, TimeTaken, SrcPayloadBytes, DstPayloadBytes FROM MyCapture.cap" -fMode:TCPConn
The output of this command would look like the following sample:
SrcPort TimeTaken    SrcPayloadBytes DstPayloadBytes
------- ------------ --------------- ---------------
1336    150.216000   3694            3673
1284    450.648000   312             1362
1286    711.023000   0               0
1287    1001.440000  0               0
1288    851.224000   0               0
1289    15120.240000 0               0
1283    66619.388000 1886            3718
1291    13663.102000 312             636
1285    47883.357000 312             708
1290    21203.946000 312             1362

From-Entity Syntax

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