Log Parser


The Log Parser scriptable COM components architecture is made up of the following objects:

  • LogQuery object: this object is the main COM object in the Log Parser scriptable COM components architecture; it exposes methods to execute SQL-Like queries and provides access to global parameters controlling the execution of a query.
  • LogRecordSet object: this object is an enumerator of LogRecord objects; it allows an application to navigate through the output records of a query.
  • LogRecord object: this object represents a single query output record, and it exposes methods that can be used to retrieve individual field values from the output record.
  • Input Format objects: these objects provide programmatic access to the input formats supported by Log Parser; each input format object exposes properties having the same name as the parameters of the corresponding Log Parser input format.
  • Output Format objects: these objects provide programmatic access to the output formats supported by Log Parser; each output format object exposes properties having the same name as the parameters of the corresponding Log Parser output format.

See also:

Log Parser COM API Overview
C# Example

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