KL336x - Documentation Issue Status


BECKHOFF KL3361, KL3362: Foreword

Documentation Issue Status

Version Comment
1.0 Describes:
KL3361with Hardware-Stand* 01, Firmware-Stand* 1D
KL3362 with Hardware-Stand* 01, Firmware-Stand* 1F
  • description of the parameterization of KL336x by KS2000 software corrected (trigger logic in detail)
0.6 description of the parameterization of KL336x by KS2000 software updated (trigger logic in detail)
0.5 description of the process image overworked
  • description of control and status bytes extended
  • register description updated
  • english version available
0.3 (only german version available)
  • connection notes extended
  • description of the parameterization of KL336x by KS2000 software updated
  • register description updated
  • description of control and status bytes overworked
0.2 (only german version available)
  • connection notes added
  • description of the parameterization of KL336x by KS2000 software extended
  • register description overworked
0.1 first preliminary version (only german version available)

*) The hardware and firmware version (delivery state) can be found in the serial number printed at the side of the terminal.

Syntax of the serial number

Structure of the serial number: KK YY FF HH

KK - week of production (CW, calendar week)
YY - year of production
FF - firmware version
HH - hardware version

Example with ser. no.: 35 04 1F 01:

35 - week of production 35
04 - year of production 2004
1F - firmware version 1F
01 - hardware version 01