Trigger Logic


BECKHOFF KL3361, KL3362: KS2000 Configuration Software

Trigger Logic


You may select one of the following trigger sources (R40):

Shot The trigger pulse is triggered by the fieldbus via a control word.
Timer The trigger pulse is triggered at regular intervals by a timer. The frequency of the timer can be specified under General trigger settings.
Digital input The trigger pulse is triggered by the trigger input (24V trigger).
Analog input 1

The trigger pulse is triggered by analog input 1.

(KL3362 only)

Analog input 2

The trigger pulse is triggered by analog input 2.


Here you can specify the event (R40) that triggers the trigger.

Rising edge (default) The trigger unit responds to the rising edge of the input signal. The associated threshold level can be specified via the Trigger values tab.
Falling edge The trigger unit responds to the falling edge of the input signal. The associated threshold level can be specified via the Trigger values tab.
Positive pulse longer than set pulse width The trigger unit responds if the positive pulse width is longer than the configured pulse width, which can be specified via the Trigger values tab.
Positive pulse shorter than set pulse width The trigger unit responds if the positive pulse width is shorter than the configured pulse width, which can be specified via the Trigger values tab.
Negative pulse longer than set pulse width The trigger unit responds if the negative pulse width is longer than the configured pulse width, which can be specified via the Trigger values tab.
Negative pulse shorter than set pulse width The trigger unit responds if the negative pulse width is shorter than the configured pulse width, which can be specified via the Trigger values tab.

Connect the lower input of the And gate with the desired function in order to specify when the And gate should switch through a trigger pulse (R40).

Always enabled The trigger pulse is always switched through.
Digital input High The trigger pulse is switched through, if the trigger input (24V trigger) of the oscilloscope terminal is on High potential.
Analog input 1 above threshold level The trigger pulse is switched through, if the signal at analog input 1 of the oscilloscope terminal increases above the specified threshold level 2. The threshold level can be specified via the Trigger values tab.

(KL3362 only)

Analog input 2 above threshold level The trigger pulse is switched through, if the signal at analog input 2 of the oscilloscope terminal increases above the specified threshold level 2. The threshold level can be specified via the Trigger values tab.
Digital input Low The trigger pulse is switched through, if the trigger input (24V trigger) of the oscilloscope terminal is on Low potential.
Analog input 1 below threshold level The trigger pulse is switched through, if the signal at analog input 1 of the oscilloscope terminal decreases below the specified threshold level 2. The threshold level can be specified via the Trigger values tab.

(KL3362 only)

Analog input 2 below threshold level The trigger pulse is switched through, if the signal at analog input 2 of the oscilloscope terminal decreases below the specified threshold level 2. The threshold level can be specified via the Trigger values tab.

Connect the output of the And gate with the desired function in order to specify which task should be triggered.

Reset the timer (chronometer) to zero (R40.2) Resets the timer back to zero. The timer will start running again automatically immediately.
Save timer (chronometer) (R40. 3) Saves the current value of the running timer at the trigger instant.
Set digital output (R40.4) Sets the digital output, e.g. for synchronous triggering of the second oscilloscope channel of a KL3362. This function has to be enabled by bit 2 of the control byte 1 (CB1.2).
Start recording (R40.5) Starts the recording
Enable trigger unit 2 (R40.5) If the output of the And gate in trigger unit 1 is connected with the function Enable trigger 2, the trigger signal is transferred to trigger unit 2, which can be accessed via the Unit 2 button in the Selection field for parameterization.

(KL3362 only)

Enable trigger unit 3 (R40.5) If the output of the And gate in trigger unit 2 is connected with the function Enable trigger 3, the trigger signal is transferred to trigger unit 3, which can be accessed via the Unit 3 button in the Selection field for parameterization.

(KL3362 only)

Enable trigger unit 4 (R40.5) If the output of the And gate in trigger unit 3 is connected with the function Enable trigger 4, the trigger signal is transferred to trigger unit 4, which can be accessed via the Unit 4 button in the Selection field for parameterization.