Control and Status Byte


BECKHOFF KL3361, KL3362: Data

Control and Status Bytes

First channel

Process data mode

Control byte 1 (CB1) in process data mode

The control byte of the first channel is in the output image of the oscilloscope terminal and is transmitted from the PLC to the terminal.

Bit CB1.7 CB1.6 CB1.5 CB1.4 CB1.3 CB1.2 CB1.1 CB1.0
Name bRegAccess - - - bSetDigitalOut bEnabIntFkt bEvalBuffer bEnableTrigger
Bit Name Description
CB1.7 bRegAccess 0bin Register communication off (process data mode):
  • Process data word DataIN0 is used to transfer the date specified with index register 1 for input data (R38)* from the terminal to the control.
  • Process data word DataIN1 is used to transfer the date specified with index register 2 for input data (R39)* from the terminal to the control.
  • Process data word DataOUT0 is used to transfer the parameter specified with the Low byte of the index register for output data (R37)* from the control to the terminal.
  • Process data word DataOUT1 is used to transfer the parameter specified with the High byte of the index register for output data (R37)* from the control to the terminal.

*) The Registers can be set by Register communication or by configuration software KS2000.

CB1.6 - reserved
CB1.5 - reserved
CB1.4 - reserved
CB1.3 bSetDigitalOut Setting the digital output.
CB1.2 bEnabIntFkt Enables the trigger unit to set the digital output directly.
0bin The trigger unit must not set the digital output when triggered (default).
1bin The trigger unit may set the digital output directly when triggered (SET DOUT).
CB1.1 bEvalBuffer The recorded memory is to be evaluated.
CB1.0 bEnableTrigger The rising edge of this bit activates the trigger in trigger mode Shot.

Status byte 1 (SB1) in process data mode

The status byte of the first channel is in the input image of the oscilloscope terminal and is transmitted from the terminal to the PLC.

Bit SB1.7 SB1.6 SB1.5 SB1.4 SB1.3 SB1.2 SB1.1 SB1.0
Name bRegAccessQ bError  - - bDigitalOutputStatus bExtTriggerInput bEvalBufferDone bTriggerDone
Bit Name Description
SB1.7 bRegAccessQ 0bin Process data mode acknowledgement
SB1.6 bError  reserved
SB1.5 - reserved
SB1.4 - reserved
SB1.3 bDigitalOutputStatus State of the digital output
SB1.2 bExtTriggerInput State of the trigger input
SB1.1 bEvalBufferDone Evaluation of the memory is complete. There are valid current process data present.
SB1.0 bTriggerDone Acknowledgement for trigger event, values were recorded.

Register communication

Control byte 1 (CB1) in register communication

The control byte of the first channel is in the output image of the oscilloscope terminal and is transmitted from the PLC to the terminal.

Bit CB1.7 CB1.6 CB1.5 CB1.4 CB1.3 CB1.2 CB1.1 CB1.0
Name bRegAccess R/W Register number
Bit Name Description
CB1.7 bRegAccess 1bin Register communication switched on
CB1.6 R/W 0bin Read access
  • Process data word DataIN0 is used to read the register specified by the Register number (CB1.5-CB1.0).
  • Process data word DataIN1 is not used in register communication, but is also not available for process data!
    Danger Process data that might be shown are not valid.
1bin Write access
  • Process data word DataOUT0 is used to write to the register specified by the Register number (CB1.5-CB1.0).
  • Process data word DataOUT1 is not used in register communication, but is also not available for process data!
CB1.5-CB1.0 Register number Number of the register that is to be read or written.

Status byte 1 (SB1) in register communication

The status byte of the first channel is in the input image of the oscilloscope terminal and is transmitted from the terminal to the PLC.

Bit SB1.7 SB1.6 SB1.5 SB1.4 SB1.3 SB1.2 SB1.1 SB1.0
Name bRegAccessQ R Registernummer
Bit Name Description
SB1.7 bRegAccessQ 1bin Register access acknowledgement
SB1.6 R 0bin Read access
SB1.5-SB1.0 Register number Number of the register that was read or written.


Second channel (KL3362 only)

Process data mode

Control byte 2 (CB2) in process data mode

The control byte of the second channel currently has no function in process data mode.

Bit SB2.7 SB2.6 SB2.5 SB2.4 SB2.3 SB2.2 SB2.1 SB2.0
Name bRegAccess - - - - - - -
Bit Name Description
SB2.7 bRegAccess 0bin Register communication off (process data mode)
SB2.6-SB2.0 - reserved

Status byte 2 (SB2) in process data mode

The status byte of the second channel currently has no function in process data mode.

Bit SB2.7 SB2.6 SB2.5 SB2.4 SB2.3 SB2.2 SB2.1 SB2.0
Name bRegAccessQ - - - - - - -
Bit Name Description
SB2.7 bRegAccessQ 0bin Process data mode acknowledgement
SB2.6-SB2.0 - reserved

Register communication

Control byte 2 (CB2) in register communication

The control byte of the second channel is in the output image of the oscilloscope terminal and  is transmitted from the  PLC to the terminal.

Bit CB2.7 CB2.6 CB2.5 CB2.4 CB2.3 CB2.2 CB2.1 CB2.0
Name bRegAccess R/W Register number
Bit Name Description
CB2.7 bRegAccess 1bin Register communication switched on
CB2.6 R/W 0bin Read access
  • Process data word DataIN2 is used to read the register specified by the Register number ( CB2.5-CB2.0).
  • Process data word DataIN3 is not used in register communication, but is also not available for process data!
    Danger Process data that might be shown are not valid.
1bin Write access
  • Process data word DataOUT2 is used to write to the register specified by the Register number (CB2.5-CB2.0).
  • Process data word DataOUT3 is not used in register communication, but is also not available for process data!
CB2.5-CB2.0 Register number Number of the register that is to be read or written.

Status byte 2 (SB2) in register communication

The status byte of the second channel is in the input image of the oscilloscope terminal and is transmitted from the terminal to the PLC.

Bit SB2.7 SB2.6 SB2.5 SB2.4 SB2.3 SB2.2 SB2.1 SB2.0
Name bRegAccessQ R Register number
Bit Name Description
SB2.7 bRegAccessQ 1bin Register access acknowledgement
SB2.6 R 0bin Read access
SB2.5-SB2.0 Register number Number of the register that was read or written.