KL3132, KL3142, KL3152, KL3162, KL3172, KL3182 - Process Image


BECKHOFF KL3132, KL3142, KL3152, KL3162, KL3172, KL3182: Access from the user program

Process Image

The terminals KL3132, KL3162, KL3142, KL3152 KL3172 und KL3148 are represented in the process image with up to 6 bytes of input data and 6 bytes of output data. These are organized as follows:

Format Input data Output data
Byte SB1 CB1
Word DataIN1 DataOUT1
Byte SB2 CB2
Word DataIN2 DataOUT2

SB n: Status byte for channel n
CB n: Control byte for channel n

DataIN n: input data word of channel n
DataOUT n: output data word of channel n

  • The mapping of the bytes and words to the addresses of the controlling system can be found on the mapping page.
  • The meaning of control und status bytes can be found on the page control  and status bytes.
  • In process data mode the analog values are transmitted within the input data words DataIN1 and DataIN2 and the output data words DataOUT1 and DataOUT2 are not used.

Representation of the analog values

Analog voltages are represented by the bus terminals as follows:

Voltage Decimal Hexadecimal
-10 V -32768 0x8000
+10 V +32767 0x7FFF
Voltage Decimal Hexadecimal
0 V 0 0x0000
10 V 65535 0xFFFF
Current Decimal Hexadecimal
0 mA 0 0x0000
20 mA 65535 0xFFFF
Current Decimal Hexadecimal
4 mA 0 0x0000
20 mA 65535 0xFFFF
Voltage Decimal Hexadecimal
0 V 0 0x0000
2 V 65535 0xFFFF
Voltage Decimal Hexadecimal
-2 V -32768 0x8000
+2 V +32767 0x7FFF