KL3132, KL3142, KL3152, KL3162, KL3172, KL3182 - Control and Status Byte


BECKHOFF KL3132, KL3142, KL3152, KL3162, KL3172, KL3182: Access from the user program

Control and Status Byte

Channel 1

Process data mode

Control byte 1 (for process data mode)

The control byte 1 (CB1) is located in the output image, and is transmitted from the controller to the terminal.

Bit CB1.7 CB1.6 CB1.5 CB1.4 CB1.3 CB1.2 CB1.1 CB1.0
Name RegAccess - - - - - CaliDisReq StartManCali
Bit Name Description
CB1.7 RegAccess 0bin Register communication off (process data mode)
CB1.6 to CB1.2 - 0bin reserved
CB1.1 CaliDisReq 1bin Blocking automatic calibration
CB1.0 StartManCali 1bin start manual calibration

Status byte 1 (for process data mode)

The status byte 1 (SB1) is located in the input image, and is transmitted from terminal to the controller.

Bit SB1.7 SB1.6 SB1.5 SB1.4 SB1.3 SB1.2 SB1.1 SB1.0
Name RegAccess Error StateThreshold2 StateThreshold1 Overload Underload
Bit Name Description
SB1.7 RegAccess 0bin Acknowledgement for process data mode
SB1.6 Error 1bin last calibration ended with errors (no stablility)
SB1.5 / SB1.4 StateThreshold2 00bin Threshold 2 is not activated via bit R32.10 of feature register
01bin process data is lower than Threshold 2
10bin process data is greater than Threshold 2
11bin process data is equal to Threshold 2
SB1.3 / SB1.2 StateThreshold1 00bin Threshold 1 is not activated via bit R32.9 of feature register
01bin process data is lower than Threshold 1
10bin process data is greater than Threshold 1
11bin process data is equal to Threshold 1
SB1.1 Overload 1bin Process data are greater than specified in register R21. Red Error LED of this channel is on.
SB1.0 Underload 1bin Process data are smaller than specified in register R22. Red Error LED of this channel is on (a calibration is active, when SB1.0 and SB1.1 are set at the same time).

Register communication

Control byte 1 (for register communication)

The control byte 1 (CB1) is located in the output image, and is transmitted from the controller to the terminal.

Bit CB1.7 CB1.6 CB1.5 CB1.4 CB1.3 CB1.2 CB1.3 CB1.0
Name RegAccess R/W Reg. no.
Bit Name Description
CB1.7 RegAccess 1bin Register communication switched on
CB1.6 R/W 0bin Read access
1bin Write access
CB1.5 to CB1.0 Reg. no. Register number:
Enter here the number of the register that you wish
- to read with input data word DataIn, or
- to write with output data word DataOut.

Status byte 1 (for register communication)

The status byte 1 (SB1) is located in the input image, and is transmitted from terminal to the controller.

Bit SB1.7 SB1.6 SB1.5 SB1.4 SB1.3 SB1.2 SB1.1 SB1.0
Name RegAccess R/W Reg. no.
Bit Name Description
SB1.7 RegAccess 1bin Acknowledgement for register access
SB1.6 R 0bin Read access
SB1.5 to SB1.0 Reg. no. Number of the register that was read or written.

Channel 2

The control and status bytes of channels 2 (CB2 and SB2) structured like the control and status byte of channel 1.