
Game Maker 8


Other important aspects of many games are the score, the health, and the number of lives. Game Maker keeps track of the score in a global variable score and the number of lives in a global variable lives. You can change the score by simply changing the value of this variable. The same applies to health and lives. If lives is larger than 0 and becomes smaller than or equal to 0 the no-more-lives event is performed for all instances. If you don't want to show the score and lives in the caption, set the variable show_score, etc., to false. Also you can change the caption. For more complicated games best display the score yourself.

score The current score.
lives Number of lives.
health The current health (0-100).
show_score Whether to show the score in the window caption.
show_lives Whether to show the number of lives in the window caption.
show_health Whether to show the health in the window caption.
caption_score The caption used for the score.
caption_lives The caption used for the number of lives.
caption_health The caption used for the health.