You probably already did this but if not, here is how to install Game Maker. Simply run the program gmaker80.exe. Follow the on-screen instructions. You can install the program anywhere you like but it is best to follow the default suggestions given. Once installation is completed, in the Start menu you will find a new program group where you can start Game Maker and read the help file.
Game Maker also installs a considerable number of images, sprites (animated images) and sound effects on your computer, which can be used free of charge in your games. Also some example games are installed. All these can be found in folders within the location where you installed Game Maker.
The first time you run Game Maker you are asked whether you want to run the program in Simple or Advanced mode. If you have not used a game creation program before and you are not an experienced programmer, you had better use simple mode (so select No). In simple mode fewer options are shown. You can easily switch to advanced mode later using the appropriate item in the File menu.
You will also be shown a tutorial at the right of the window. The tutorial will teach you how to quickly create your first game. It will guide you through the basic steps in using Game Maker. If you have not used Game Maker before you are strongly advised to work your way through the tutorial. You can always try the tutorial later through the Help menu.
Any computer that is less than five years old should be able to run Game Maker without any problems.
To be more precise, Game Maker requires a resonably modern PC running Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7, or later. A DirectX 8 (or later) compatible graphics card with at least 32MB of memory is required for most created games. It requires a screen resolution of at least 800x600 and 65000 (16-bit) colors (preferably full color). Also a DirectX 8 compatible sound card is required. Make sure you have the most recent drivers installed. Game Maker requires DirectX version 8.0 or later to be installed on your computer. (You can download the newest version of DirectX from the Microsoft website at: When designing and testing games, the memory requirements are pretty high (at least 128 MB and preferably more, also depending on the operating system). When just running games, the memory requirements are less severe and depend a lot on the type of game.