String handling functions
The following functions deal with characters and string.
chr(val) Returns a string containing the character with asci code val.
ord(str) Returns the asci code of the first character in str.
real(str) Turns str into a real number. str can contain a minus sign, a decimal dot and even an exponential part.
string(val) Turns the real value into a string using a standard format (no decimal places when it is an integer, and two decimal places otherwise).
string_format(val,tot,dec) Turns val into a string using your own format: tot indicates the total number of places and dec indicates the number of decimal places.
string_length(str) Returns the number of characters in the string.
string_pos(substr,str) Returns the position of substr in str (0=no occurrence).
string_copy(str,index,count) Returns a substring of str, starting at position index, and of length count.
string_char_at(str,index) Returns the character in str at position index.
string_delete(str,index,count) Returns a copy of str with the part removed that starts at position index and has length count.
string_insert(substr,str,index) Returns a copy of str with substr added at position index.
string_replace(str,substr,newstr) Returns a copy of str with the first occurrence of substr replaced by newstr.
string_replace_all(str,substr,newstr) Returns a copy of str with all occurrences of substr replaced by newstr.
string_count(substr,str) Returns the number of occurrences of substr in str.
string_lower(str) Returns a lowercase copy of str.
string_upper(str) Returns an uppercase copy of str.
string_repeat(str,count) Returns a string consisting of count copies of str.
string_letters(str) Returns a string that only contains the letters in str.
string_digits(str) Returns a string that only contains the digits in str.
string_lettersdigits(str) Returns a string that contains the letters and digits in str.
The following functions deal with the clipboard for storing text.
clipboard_has_text() Returns whether there is any text on the clipboard.
clipboard_get_text() Returns the current text on the clipboard.
clipboard_set_text(str) Sets the string str on the clipboard.