Extra actions
On the Extra tab there also are a number of actions related to the playing of CDs. These actions are only available in the Pro Edition of Game Maker.
Play CD
With this action you can play some tracks from a CD in the default
CD-drive. You specify the starting track and the final track.
Stop CD
Stops the currently playing CD.
Pause CD
Pauses the currently playing CD.
Resume CD
Resumes a paused CD.
Check CD
If there is a CD in the default drive then the next action is executed.
Check CD Playing
If a CD is playing in the default drive then the next action is executed.
Finally, there are an additional action that can be useful in certain games.
Set Cursor
You can use this action to replace the windows mouse cursor by a sprite.
You specify the sprite and whether the windows mouse cursor should still be shown.
The sprite can be animated. Note that the sprite will only be shown in the room,
not in the area outside it.