GD32F10x USB-Device: File List

GD32F103 Firmware

GD32F10x USB-Device  V1.0.0
GD32F10x USB-Device
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123456]
  USB Libraries
 usb_buf.hUSB buffer interface functions prototypes
 usb_conf_template.hGeneral low level driver configuration
 usb_core.hDevice Driver Header file
 usb_hwp.hHardware platform configuration header file
 usb_int.hUSB device interrupt management header file
 usb_regs.hUSB cell registers definition and handle macros
 usb_buf.cUSB buffer interface functions
 usb_core.cUSB device driver interface layer used to access the core
 usb_int.cUSB device interrupt routines
 usbd_cdc_core.hHeader file for the usbd_cdc_core.c file
 usbd_cdc_core.cUSB CDC class device core functions
 usbd_dfu_core.hHeader file for the usbd_dfu_core.c file
 usbd_dfu_mal.hUSB DFU device media access layer header file
 usbd_flash_if.hUSB DFU device flash interface header file
 usbd_dfu_core.cUSB DFU class core functions
 usbd_dfu_mal.cUSB DFU device media access layer functions
 usbd_flash_if.cUSB DFU device flash interface functions
 usbd_custom_hid_core.hCustom HID device class core defines
 usbd_hid_core.hUSB mouse (USB HID device) header file
 usbd_custom_hid_core.cCustom HID device class core functions
 usbd_hid_core.cUSB HID device class core functions
 usbd_msc_bot.hHeader file for the usbd_msc_bot.c file
 usbd_msc_core.hHeader file for the usbd_msc_core.c file
 usbd_msc_data.hHeader file for the usbd_msc_data.c file
 usbd_msc_mem.hHeader for the STORAGE DISK file
 usbd_msc_scsi.hHeader file for the usbd_msc_scsi.c file
 usbd_msc_bot.cUSB BBB(Bulk/Bulk/Bulk) protocol core functions
 usbd_msc_core.cThis file provides all the MSC core functions
 usbd_msc_data.cThis file provides all the vital inquiry pages and sense data
 usbd_msc_scsi.cThis file provides all the USBD SCSI layer functions
 usbd_storage_template.cMemory management layer
 usbd_conf_template.hUSB device configuration template file
 usbd_core.hUSB device core function protoype
 usbd_def.hGeneral defines for the usb device library
 usbd_desc.hUSB descriptor defines and function prototype
 usbd_enum.hUSB enumeration function prototypes
 usbd_it.hUSB device interrupt events handle function defines
 usbd_pwr.hPower management header file
 usbd_user.hUSB user callback function prototype
 usbd_core.cUSB device core interface functions
 usbd_pwr.cPower management functions
Generated on Fri Feb 6 2015 14:56:36 for GD32F10x USB-Device by   doxygen 1.8.8