GD32F10x USB-Device: E:/USB Libraries/GD32_USB_Device_Driver/inc/usb_buf.h Source File

GD32F103 Firmware

Go to the documentation of this file.
11 /* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
12 #ifndef __GD32F10X_USB_BUF_H
13 #define __GD32F10X_USB_BUF_H
15 /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
16 #include "usb_regs.h"
33 void FreeUserBuffer (uint8_t EpID, uint8_t Dir);
34 void UserCopyToBuffer (uint8_t *UsrBuf, uint16_t BufAddr, uint16_t Bytes);
35 void BufferCopyToUser (uint8_t *UsrBuf, uint16_t BufAddr, uint16_t Bytes);
41 #endif /* __GD32F10X_USB_BUF_H */
55 /************************ (C) COPYRIGHT 2014 GIGADEVICE *****END OF FILE****/
USB cell registers definition and handle macros.
void FreeUserBuffer(uint8_t EpID, uint8_t Dir)
Free buffer used from application by toggling the SW_BUF byte.
Definition: usb_buf.c:36
void UserCopyToBuffer(uint8_t *UsrBuf, uint16_t BufAddr, uint16_t Bytes)
Copy a buffer from user memory area to the allocation buffer area.
Definition: usb_buf.c:55
void BufferCopyToUser(uint8_t *UsrBuf, uint16_t BufAddr, uint16_t Bytes)
Copy a buffer from the allocation buffer area to user memory area.
Definition: usb_buf.c:78
Generated on Fri Feb 6 2015 14:56:35 for GD32F10x USB-Device by   doxygen 1.8.8