FTP Settings dialog box
In this dialog box, you can set accounts to use with the FTP commands. Following options are available:FTP Groups
This combo box displays list of FTP groups. You can select one from the 10 FTP groups to add FTP accounts.
FTP accountsThis list box displays list of FTP accounts. Select a account that you want to configure.
AddAdd a new account.
RemoveRemove selected account.
Up/DownMoves selected account up or down.
SortSorts the account list.
CopyCopies current account setting to other FTP group.
MoveCopies current account setting to other FTP group.
DescriptionSpecify the description for current account.
FTP serverSpecify FTP server name for current account.
UsernameSpecify username for logging in current account.
PasswordSpecify password for logging in current account.
SubdirectorySpecify initial subdirectory to connect. If this field is left blank, the default FTP directory will be used.
Advanced OptionsSets the advanced FTP options. This button presents Advanced FTP Settings dialog box.
Check file modification when savingCheck this option to detect modification of a remote file by other application when saving it.
Disconnect automaticallyClose connection after FTP operation.
Force displaying hidden filesAlways show hidden files on UNIX servers. This feature uses LIST -la FTP command.
Allow duplicated accountsAllow multiple accounts with same server and username. This opttion uses FTP path format of EditPlus version 2.xx (ftp(account):/directory) instead of the new format (userid@server:/directory).
Cache directory contentCache directory content to speed up the directory listing. To update the content, you should manually run refresh command.
Upload to a temp file then renameThis option allows uploading to a temporary file first then rename this file to original file name. It may help prevent possible data loss when the upload process is accidentally interrupted.