
Retrieves the 3D position of a sample, stream, or MOD music channel with 3D functionality.

BOOL BASS_ChannelGet3DPosition(
    DWORD handle,
    BASS_3DVECTOR *pos,
    BASS_3DVECTOR *orient,
    BASS_3DVECTOR *vel


handleThe channel handle... a HCHANNEL, HMUSIC, HSTREAM.
posPosition of the sound... NULL = don't retrieve it.
orientOrientation of the sound... NULL = don't retrieve it.
velVelocity of the sound... NULL = don't retrieve it.

Return value

If successful, then TRUE is returned, else FALSE is returned. Use BASS_ErrorGetCode to get the error code.

Error codes

BASS_ERROR_HANDLEhandle is not a valid channel.
BASS_ERROR_NO3DThe channel does not have 3D functionality.

See also

BASS_ChannelGet3DAttributes, BASS_ChannelGetAttribute, BASS_ChannelSet3DPosition, BASS_Get3DFactors, BASS_Get3DPosition, BASS_3DVECTOR structure