Retrieves the 3D attributes of a sample, stream, or MOD music channel with 3D functionality.
BOOL BASS_ChannelGet3DAttributes(
DWORD handle,
DWORD *mode,
float *min,
float *max,
DWORD *iangle,
DWORD *oangle,
float *outvol
handle | The channel handle... a HCHANNEL, HMUSIC, HSTREAM.
mode | The 3D processing mode... NULL = don't retrieve it.
min | The minimum distance... NULL = don't retrieve it.
max | The maximum distance... NULL = don't retrieve it.
iangle | The angle of the inside projection cone... NULL = don't retrieve it.
oangle | The angle of the outside projection cone... NULL = don't retrieve it.
outvol | The delta-volume outside the outer projection cone... NULL = don't retrieve it.
Return value
If successful, then TRUE is returned, else FALSE is returned. Use
BASS_ErrorGetCode to get the error code.
Error codes
BASS_ERROR_HANDLE | handle is not a valid channel.
BASS_ERROR_NO3D | The channel does not have 3D functionality.
iangle and
oangle parameters must both be retrieved in a single call to this function; one cannot be retrieved without the other. See
BASS_ChannelSet3DAttributes for an explanation of the parameters.
See also