The volume level of an instrument in a MOD music.
BASS_ChannelSetAttribute( HMUSIC handle, BASS_ATTRIB_MUSIC_VOL_INST + inst, float volume );
handle | The MOD music handle. |
inst | The instrument to set the volume of... 0 = 1st instrument. |
volume | The volume level... 0 (silent) to 1 (full). |
The volume curve used by this attribute is always linear, eg. 0.5 = 50%. The BASS_CONFIG_CURVE_VOL config option setting has no effect on this. The volume level of all instruments is initially 1 (full). For MOD formats that do not use instruments, read "sample" for "instrument".During playback, the effect of changes to this attribute are not heard instantaneously, due to buffering. To reduce the delay, use the BASS_CONFIG_BUFFER config option to reduce the buffer length.
This attribute can also be used to count the number of instruments in a MOD music.
Count the number of instruments in a MOD instruments=0; float dummy; while (BASS_ChannelGetAttribute(music, BASS_ATTRIB_MUSIC_VOL_INST+instruments, &dummy;)!=-1) instruments++;