Using the PowerShell CmdLets

AutoIt X

Using the PowerShell CmdLets

AutoItX can be used to provide PowerShell CmdLets.


The following files are provided to allow PowerShell use:

AutoItX.psd1 - The signed PowerShell import manifest, this is the file you will import into your script.

AutoItX3.PowerShell.dll - The PowerShell module code

AutoItX3.Assembly.dll - The .NET Assembly for using AutoItX. This is used by the PowerShell module.

AutoItX3.dll - The main AutoItX DLL (x86)

AutoItX3_x64.dll - The main AutoItX DLL (x64)


Usage of the cmdlets wihin PowerShell is as follows:

    # Import the module manfiest.
    # If AutoIt is installed on this machine this step won't be required -it should be auto-imported.
    Import-Module .\AutoItX.psd1

    # Get the list of AutoItX cmdlets
    Get-Command *AU3*

    # Get detailed help for a particular cmdlet
    Get-Help Get-AU3WinText