Method ToolTip

AutoIt X

Method Reference


Creates a tooltip anywhere on the screen

ToolTip "text" [, x, y]


text The text of the tooltip. (An empty string clears a displaying tooltip)
x, y The x,y position of the tooltip.

Return Value



If the x and y coordinates are omitted the, tip is placed near the mouse cursor. If the coords would cause the tooltip to run off screen, it is repositioned to visible.
Tooltip appears until it is cleared, until script terminates, or sometimes until it is clicked upon. You may use a linefeed character to create multi-line tooltips.


Set oAutoIt = WScript.CreateObject("AutoItX3.Control")

' This will create a tooltip in the upper left of the screen
oAutoIt.ToolTip "This is a tooltip", 0, 0
oAutoIt.Sleep 2000  ' Sleep to give tooltip time to display