Method ProcessWaitClose

AutoIt X

Method Reference


Pauses script execution until a given process does not exist

ProcessWaitClose "process" [, timeout]


process The name or PID of the process to check.
timeout Optional: Specifies how long to wait (default is to wait indefinitely).

Return Value

Success: Returns 1.
Failure: Returns 0 if wait timed out.


Process names are executables without the full path, e.g., "notepad.exe" or "winword.exe"
PID is the unique number which identifies a Process. A PID can be obtained through the ProcessExists or Run commands.
In order to work under Windows NT 4.0, ProcessWaitClose requires the file PSAPI.DLL (included in the AutoIt installation directory).
The process is polled approximately every 250 milliseconds.


ProcessClose, ProcessExists, ProcessWaitClose, RunWait, WinWaitClose


Set oAutoIt = WScript.CreateObject("AutoItX3.Control")

'waits until no instance of notepad.exe exists
oAutoIt.ProcessWaitClose "notepad.exe"

' This will wait until this particular instance of notepad has exited
PID = oAutoIt.Run("notepad.exe")