Method WinGetPosWidth

AutoIt X

Method Reference


Retrieves the position and size of a given window

WinGetPosWidth "title" [, "text"]


title The title of the window to read.
text Optional: The text of the window to read.

Return Value

Success: Returns the width of the window.
Failure: Returns numeric 1 and sets oAutoIt.error to 1 if windows is not found.


WinGetPos returns negative numbers such as -32000 for minimized windows, but works fine with (non-minimized) hidden windows.
If the window title "Program Manager" is used, the function will return the size of the desktop. If multiple windows match the criteria, the most recently active window is used.


WinGetClientSizeHeight, WinGetClientSizeWidth, WinMove


Set oAutoIt = WScript.CreateObject("AutoItX3.Control")
x = oAutoIt.WinGetPosX("")
y = oAutoIt.WinGetPosY("")
width = oAutoIt.WinGetPosWidth("")
height = oAutoIt.WinGetPosHeight("")