Method WinWaitNotActive

AutoIt X

Method Reference


Pauses execution of the script until the requested window is not active

WinWaitNotActive "title" [, "text" [, timeout]]


title The title of the window to check.
text Optional: The text of the window to check.
timeout Optional: Timeout in seconds

Return Value

Returns 0 if the timeout occurred, otherwise returns 1.


The script polls for a window match every 250 milliseconds or so.


WinActive, WinExists, WinWait, WinWaitActive, WinWaitClose, WinWaitDelay (Option)


Set oAutoIt = WScript.CreateObject("AutoItX3.Control")

'Wait for the window "Untitled" to not be active
oAutoIt.WinWaitNotActive "Untitled"

' Wait a maximum of 5 seconds for "Untitled" to not be active
oAutoIt.WinWaitNotActive "Untitled", "", 5