Method ControlClick

AutoIt X

Method Reference


Sends a mouse click command to a given control

ControlClick "title", "text", "controlID" [, button [, clicks [, x [, y ]]]]


title The title of the window to access.
text The text of the window to access.
controlID The control to interact with. See Controls.
button Optional: The button to click, "left", "right" or "middle". Default is the left button.
clicks Optional: The number of times to click the mouse. Default is 1.
x Optional: The x position to click within the control. Default is center.
y Optional: The y position to click within the control. Default is center.

Return Value

Success: Returns 1.
Failure: Returns 0.


Some controls will resist clicking unless they are the active window. Use the WinActive() function to force the control's window to the top before using ControlClick().
Using 2 for the number of clicks will send a double-click message to the control - this can even be used to launch programs from an explorer control!


ControlCommand, MouseClick, WinActivate


Set oAutoIt = WScript.CreateObject("AutoItX3.Control")
oAutoIt.ControlClick "Untitled -", "", "MDIClient1"