
AutoIt X

Method Reference

Below is a complete list of the methods available in AutoItX. Click on a method name for a detailed description.


Method Description
AutoItSetOption Changes the operation of various AutoIt functions/parameters
ClipGet Retrieves text from the clipboard
ClipPut Writes text to the clipboard
ControlClick Sends a mouse click command to a given control
ControlCommand Sends a command to a control
ControlDisable Disables or "grays-out" a control
ControlEnable Enables a "grayed-out" control
ControlFocus Sets input focus to a given control on a window
ControlGetFocus Returns the ControlRef# of the control that has keyboard focus within a specified window
ControlGetHandle Retrieves the internal handle of a control
ControlGetPosHeight Retrieves the position and size of a control relative to it's window
ControlGetPosWidth Retrieves the position and size of a control relative to it's window
ControlGetPosX Retrieves the position and size of a control relative to it's window
ControlGetPosY Retrieves the position and size of a control relative to it's window
ControlGetText Retrieves text from a control
ControlHide Hides a control
ControlListView Sends a command to a ListView32 control
ControlMove Moves a control within a window
ControlSend Sends a string of characters to a control
ControlSetText Sets text of a control
ControlShow Shows a control that was hidden
ControlTreeView Sends a command to a TreeView32 control
DriveMapAdd Maps a network drive
DriveMapDel Disconnects a network drive
DriveMapGet Retreives the details of a mapped drive
IsAdmin Checks if the current user has administrator privileges
MouseClick Perform a mouse click operation
MouseClickDrag Perform a mouse click and drag operation
MouseDown Perform a mouse down event at the current mouse position
MouseGetCursor Returns a cursor ID Number of the current Mouse Cursor
MouseGetPosX Retrieves the current X position of the mouse cursor
MouseGetPosY Retrieves the current Y position of the mouse cursor
MouseMove Moves the mouse pointer
MouseUp Perform a mouse up event at the current mouse position
MouseWheel Moves the mouse wheel up or down. XP ONLY
PixelChecksum Generates a checksum for a region of pixels
PixelGetColor Returns a pixel color according to x,y pixel coordinates
PixelSearch Searches a rectangle of pixels for the pixel color provided
ProcessClose Terminates a named process
ProcessExists Checks to see if a specified process exists
ProcessSetPriority Changes the priority of a process
ProcessWait Pauses script execution until a given process exists
ProcessWaitClose Pauses script execution until a given process does not exist
Run Runs an external program
RunAs Runs an external program
RunAsWait Runs an external program
RunWait Runs an external program and pauses script execution until the program finishes
Send Sends simulated keystrokes to the active window
Shutdown Shuts down the system
Sleep Pause script execution
StatusbarGetText Retrieves the text from a standard status bar control
ToolTip Creates a tooltip anywhere on the screen
WinActivate Activates (gives focus to) a window
WinActive Checks to see if a specified window exists and is currently active
WinClose Closes a window
WinExists Checks to see if a specified window exists
WinGetCaretPosX Returns the coordinates of the caret in the foreground window
WinGetCaretPosY Returns the coordinates of the caret in the foreground window
WinGetClassList Retrieves the classes from a window
WinGetClientSizeHeight Retrieves the size of a given window's client area
WinGetClientSizeWidth Retrieves the size of a given window's client area
WinGetHandle Retrieves the internal handle of a window
WinGetPosHeight Retrieves the position and size of a given window
WinGetPosWidth Retrieves the position and size of a given window
WinGetPosX Retrieves the position and size of a given window
WinGetPosY Retrieves the position and size of a given window
WinGetProcess Retrieves the Process ID (PID) associated with a window
WinGetState Retrieves the state of a given window
WinGetText Retrieves the text from a window
WinGetTitle Retrieves the full title from a window
WinKill Forces a window to close
WinList Retrieves a list of windows
WinMenuSelectItem Invokes a menu item of a window
WinMinimizeAll Minimizes all windows
WinMinimizeAllUndo Undoes a previous WinMinimizeAll function
WinMove Moves and/or resizes a window
WinSetOnTop Change a window's "Always On Top" attribute
WinSetState Shows, hides, minimizes, maximizes, or restores a window
WinSetTitle Changes the title of a window
WinSetTrans Sets the transparency of a window
WinWait Pauses execution of the script until the requested window exists
WinWaitActive Pauses execution of the script until the requested window is active
WinWaitClose Pauses execution of the script until the requested window does not exist
WinWaitNotActive Pauses execution of the script until the requested window is not active