AutoCAD Map 3D 2009 Geospatial Platform Reference

AutoCAD Map 3D Geospatial Platform API

MgByteReader* MgResourceService::EnumerateResources ( MgResourceIdentifier resource,
INT32  depth,

Enumerates the resources in the specified repository.

You can enumerate all types or just a selected type. You can also choose what depth in the repository to examine. This method only works on "Library" repository. If you specify a repository that is not supported, this method will throw an MgInvalidRepositoryType exception.
.NET Syntax
MgByteReader EnumerateResources(MgResourceIdentifier resource, int depth, string type);
Java Syntax
MgByteReader EnumerateResources(MgResourceIdentifier resource, int depth, String type);
PHP Syntax
MgByteReader EnumerateResources(MgResourceIdentifier resource, int depth, string type);

resource (MgResourceIdentifier) Resource identifier specifying the resource to enumerate. This can be a document or a folder.
depth (int) Recursion depth, relative to the specified resource.
  • If the resource is a document, depth must be set to 0.
  • If the resource is a folder:
    • If the depth is equal to 0, only information about the specified folder is returned.
    • If the depth is greater than 0, information about the folder and its descendants up to the specified depth are returned.
  • If the depth is -1, information about the folder and all its descendants is returned.
type (String/string) Type of the resource to be enumerated. (Case sensitive.) See MgResourceType for valid types. If the type is a folder, you must include the trailing slash.
Or, this can be set to null, in which case information about all resource types is returned.
Returns an MgByteReader object containing a description of the resources in XML format using the ResourceList schema.
Example (PHP)
These examples assume that $resourceService has already been initialized.
 // Enumerates everything in the library
 $resourceID = new MgResourceIdentifier("Library://");
 $byteReader = $resourceService->EnumerateResources($resourceID, -1, "");

 // Enumerates everything in Geography
 $resourceID = new MgResourceIdentifier("Library://Geography/");
 $byteReader = $resourceService->EnumerateResources($resourceID, -1, "");

  // Enumerates all maps in the library
 $resourceID = new MgResourceIdentifier("Library://");
 $byteReader = $resourceService->EnumerateResources($resourceID, -1, "MapDefinition");

 // Enumerates all folders in the library
 $resourceID = new MgResourceIdentifier("Library://");
 $byteReader = $resourceService->EnumerateResources($resourceID, -1, "Folder");

 // Enumerates the folder Geography
 $resourceID = new MgResourceIdentifier("Library://Geography/");
 $byteReader = $resourceService->EnumerateResources($resourceID, 0, "Folder");

 // Enumerates maps one level below Geography
 $resourceID = new MgResourceIdentifier("Library://Geography/");
 $byteReader = $resourceService->EnumerateResources($resourceID, 1, "MapDefinition");

 // Enumerates a specific map
 // NOTE: In this case, depth must be set to 0
 $resourceID = new MgResourceIdentifier("Library://Geography/World.MapDefinition");
 $byteReader = $resourceService->EnumerateResources($resourceID, 0, "MapDefinition");
