AutoCAD Map 3D 2009 Geospatial Platform Reference

AutoCAD Map 3D Geospatial Platform API

MgCurveString Class Reference

Inherits MgCurve.

List of all members.

Detailed Description

An MgCurveString is composed of one or more curve segments.

The curve segments are connected to one another so that the end point of each segment is the start point of the next segment in the segment list. The end point of the last segment in the ring is not the start point of the first segment. That is the curve string is not closed.
An object of this type is constructed by calling the non-static MgGeometryFactory::CreateCurvePolygon() method and, once constructed, is immutable.
Example (PHP)
The following code shows the construction of a curve string, which has a circular arc and a linear segment

 $geometryFactory = new MgGeometryFactory();
 $coordinateCollection = new MgCoordinateCollection();
 $curveSegmentCollection = new MgCurveSegmentCollection();
 $wktReaderWriter = new MgWktReaderWriter();

 // create the circular arc
 $startCoordinate = $geometryFactory->CreateCoordinateXY(0,2);
 $controlCoordinate = $geometryFactory->CreateCoordinateXY(2,4);
 $endCoordinate = $geometryFactory->CreateCoordinateXY(4,2);
 $arcSegment = $geometryFactory->CreateArcSegment($startCoordinate,
 $endCoordinate, $controlCoordinate);
 $index = $curveSegmentCollection->Add($arcSegment);
 echo "Arc segment added to curve segment collection at index: $index\n";

 // create linear segment
 // note that the first coordinate is the same as the last
 // coordinate of the circular arc
 $coordinate = $geometryFactory->CreateCoordinateXY(4,2);
 $index = $coordinateCollection->Add($coordinate);
 echo "Coordinate added to coordinate collection at index: $index\n";
 $coordinate = $geometryFactory->CreateCoordinateXY(2,0);
 $index = $coordinateCollection->Add($coordinate);
 echo "Coordinate added to coordinate collection at index: $index\n";
 $linearSegment = $geometryFactory->CreateLinearSegment($coordinateCollection);
 $index = $curveSegmentCollection->Add($linearSegment);
 echo "Linear segment added to curve segment collection at index: $index\n";

 // create curve string
 $curveString = $geometryFactory->CreateCurveString($curveSegmentCollection);

 // print out the Agf Text string for the geometry
 $curveStringAgfText = $wktReaderWriter->Write($curveString);
 echo "AGF Text representation of curve string: $curveStringAgfText\n";

Example (C#)
The following code shows the construction of a curve string, which has a circular arc and a linear segment
 using OSGeo.MapGuide;
 private MgWktReaderWriter wktReaderWriter;
 private MgGeometryFactory geometryFactory;
 private MgCurveString csAs001120Ls203132;
 // the following arrays are used for segments of a curve string
 // the first coordinate in each array is actually a flag
 // 0 indicates an arc segment and 1 indicates a linear segment
 private double[,] as001120 = { { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 }, { 1, 1 }, { 2, 0 } };
 private double[,] ls203132 = { { 1, 1 }, { 2, 0 }, { 3, 1 }, { 3, 2 } };
 private double[][,] csAs001120Ls203132Data;
 private String geometryAgfText;

 // The following BNF is for the construction of a string representation
 // of the geometry.
 // The <StartPoint> for every segment except the first is equal
 // to the end point of the previous segment.
 // So the <StartPoint> must be explicit for the first segment
 // and implicit for every segment thereafter.
 // When using the API to construct the geometry, however,
 // you must make the start point explicit in the data.
 // So in the data the end point from the previous segment and
 // the start point from the next segment are identical.
 // <CurveString> ::= '(' <StartPoint> '(' <CurveSegmentCollection> ')' ')'
 // See CreateACurveSegmentCollectionXY() for the rest of the BNF.
 public MgCurveString CreateACurveStringXY(double[][,] curveStringData)
     MgCurveSegmentCollection segments = CreateACurveSegmentCollectionXY(curveStringData);
     return geometryFactory.CreateCurveString(segments);

 // <CurveSegmentCollection> ::= <CurveSegment>
 //                              | <CurveSegmentCollection> ',' <CurveSegment>
 // <CurveSegment> ::= CIRCULARARCSEGMENT '(' <2ndPoint> ',' <EndAndStartPointNextSeg> ')'
 //                    | LINESTRINGSEGMENT '(' <LineSegmentPointCollection> ')'
 // <LineSegmentPointCollection> ::= <EndAndStartPointNextSeg>
 //                    | <2ndPoint>, <EndAndStartPointNextSeg>
 //                    | <2ndPoint>, <PointCollection>, <EndAndStartPointNextSeg>
 public MgCurveSegmentCollection CreateACurveSegmentCollectionXY(double[][,] curveStringData)
     MgCurveSegmentCollection segments = new MgCurveSegmentCollection();
     MgCoordinateCollection coords = new MgCoordinateCollection();
     double[,] segmentData;
     MgCoordinate start;
     MgCoordinate control;
     MgCoordinate end;
     for (int i = 0; i < curveStringData.GetLength(0); i++)
         segmentData = curveStringData[i];
         // 0 indicates that rest of data in array is for an arc segment
         if (segmentData[0, 0] == 0)
             start = geometryFactory.CreateCoordinateXY(segmentData[1, 0],
                 segmentData[1, 1]);
             control = geometryFactory.CreateCoordinateXY(segmentData[2, 0],
                 segmentData[2, 1]);
             end = geometryFactory.CreateCoordinateXY(segmentData[3, 0],
                 segmentData[3, 1]);
             segments.Add(geometryFactory.CreateArcSegment(start, end, control));
         else if (segmentData[0, 0] == 1)
             for (int j = 1; j < segmentData.GetLength(0); j++)
                 coords.Add(geometryFactory.CreateCoordinateXY(segmentData[j, 0],
                     segmentData[j, 1]));
             // should throw exception
             return null;
     return segments;

 geometryFactory = new MgGeometryFactory();
 csAs001120Ls203132Data = new double[2][,];
 csAs001120Ls203132Data[0] = as001120;
 csAs001120Ls203132Data[1] = ls203132;
 csAs001120Ls203132 = CreateACurveStringXY(csAs001120Ls203132Data);

 // print out the Agf Text string for the geometry
 wktReaderWriter = new MgWktReaderWriter();
 geometryAgfText = wktReaderWriter.Write(csAs001120Ls203132);
 // geometryAgfText now contains:

Public Member Functions

Copy ()
virtual INT32 GetCount ()
 Gets the number of segments in this curve string.
virtual INT32 GetDimension ()
virtual MgCoordinateGetEndCoordinate ()
virtual INT32 GetGeometryType ()
virtual MgCurveSegmentGetSegment (INT32 index)
virtual MgCoordinateGetStartCoordinate ()
virtual bool IsClosed ()
virtual bool IsEmpty ()
Transform (MgTransform *transform)
 Returns a transformed copy of this geometric entity.