AutoCAD Map 3D 2009 Geospatial Platform Reference

AutoCAD Map 3D Geospatial Platform API

Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
MgAgfReaderWriterUsed to translate an MgGeometry object into into an MgByteReader object and to do the reverse translation
MgAggregateGeometryMgAggregateGeometry is an abstract base class for all of the geometry types that are composed of a set of aggregated geometry objects
MgArcSegmentMgArcSegment is a curve segment defined in terms of a start point, end point, and a control point
MgBatchPropertyCollectionMgBatchPropertyCollection represents a collection of properties. Properties are name/value pairs used for specifying the values of properties
MgBatchPropertyCollectionEnumeratorAn enumerator for an MgBatchPropertyCollection
MgBlobPropertyStores BLOB (Binary Large Object) data with an associated key name
MgBooleanPropertyStores boolean data with an associated key name
MgBytePropertyStores a single BYTE of data with an associated key name
MgByteReaderReads data from a byte source. Once read, the data in the reader cannot be reread
MgByteSinkMgByteSink is a used to write the content of a MgByteReader object to a file. MgByteSink is, like MgByteReader, inherently read-only
MgByteSourceRepresents a source of byte data with a specific content type
MgClassDefinitionDefines a feature class belonging to a schema
MgClassDefinitionCollectionClassDefinitionCollection represents a collection of class definitions in a feature schema
MgClassDefinitionCollectionEnumeratorAn enumerator for an MgClassDefinitionCollection
MgClobPropertyStores CLOB (Character Large Object) data with an associated key name
MgCollectionMgCollection is an abstract class for defining standard collection access for all collection classes
MgColorThis class stores Alpha, Red, Green and Blue component of a Color
MgCoordinateMgCoordinate is an abstract base class used to represent the Cartesian coordinates of a geometry
MgCoordinateCollectionMgCoordinateCollection provides support for defining an ordered set of coordinates
MgCoordinateCollectionEnumeratorAn enumerator for an MgCoordinateCollection
MgCoordinateDimensionMgCoordinateDimension defines a set of integer constants which can be OR'd together to specify the dimensionality of an MgCoordinate instance
MgCoordinateIteratorThe class MgCoordinateIterator supports iteration over the coordinates of a geometry or path instruction
MgCoordinateSystemCategoryDictionaryBasic functionality for the ellipsoid dictionary
MgCoordinateSystemCodeFormatDefines constants used to indicate the WKT flavor
MgCoordinateSystemDatumDictionaryBasic functionality for the datum dictionary
MgCoordinateSystemDictionaryBasic functionality for the coordinate system dictionary
MgCoordinateSystemDictionaryBaseBasic functionality for all kinds of dictionaries
MgCoordinateSystemDictionaryUtilityBasic functionality for all kinds of dictionaries
MgCoordinateSystemEllipsoidDictionaryBasic functionality for the ellipsoid dictionary
MgCoordinateSystemFactorySupports the creation of MgCoordinateSystem objects based on a OpenGIS Well-Known Text (WKT) definition of the coordinate system
MgCoordinateSystemMeasureProvides operations for measuring the distance between 2 coordinates and the azimuth of 2 coordinates as well as calculating a coordinate position given an initial coordinate, an azimuth, and a distance
MgCoordinateSystemTransformProvides operations for transforming coordinates from one coordinate system to another
MgCoordinateSystemTypeDefines constants used to indicate the type of a coordinate system
MgCoordinateSystemWktFlavorDefines constants used to indicate the WKT flavor
MgCoordinateXYMgCoordinateXY is a concrete class derived from the abstract class MgCoordinate
MgCoordinateXYMMgCoordinateXYM is a concrete class derived from the abstract class MgCoordinate
MgCoordinateXYZMgCoordinateXYZ is a concrete class derived from the abstract class MgCoordinate
MgCoordinateXYZMMgCoordinateXYZM is a concrete class derived from the abstract class MgCoordinate
MgCreateSdfParamsContains the parameters used to create an SDF feature source
MgCurveMgCurve is an abstract base class. MgCurveString and MgLineString are concrete classes derived from MgCurve
MgCurvePolygonAn MgCurvePolygon is a region, defined by 1 exterior boundary and 0 or more interior boundaries
MgCurvePolygonCollectionMgCurvePolygonCollection provides support for defining an ordered set of curve polygons
MgCurvePolygonCollectionEnumeratorAn enumerator for an MgCurvePolygonCollection
MgCurveRingMgCurveRing is a geometry component used in the construction of MgCurvePolygon objects
MgCurveRingCollectionMgCurveRingCollection provides support for defining an ordered set of curve rings
MgCurveRingCollectionEnumeratorAn enumerator for an MgCurveRingCollection
MgCurveSegmentMgCurveSegment is an abstract base class
MgCurveSegmentCollectionMgCurveSegmentCollection provides support for defining an ordered set of curve segments
MgCurveSegmentCollectionEnumeratorAn enumerator for an MgCurveSegmentCollection
MgCurveStringAn MgCurveString is composed of one or more curve segments
MgCurveStringCollectionMgCurveStringCollection provides support for defining an ordered set of curve strings
MgCurveStringCollectionEnumeratorAn enumerator for an MgCurveStringCollection
MgDataPropertyDefinitionDefines a data property belonging to a feature class
MgDataReaderProvides a forward-only, read-only iterator for reading computed data retrieved from a datastore
MgDateTimeMgDateTime is used to store dates, times, or both
MgDateTimePropertyStores MgDateTime data with an associated key name
MgDeleteFeaturesA feature command that features from a datastore. The feature class name and filter text define feature(s) to delete. This class is added to an MgFeatureCommandCollection object, which is then passed in a call to the MgFeatureService::UpdateFeatures method
MgDoublePropertyStores double precision floating point data with an associated key name. An instance of this class can be stored in an MgPropertyCollection object. The key name can be used to retrieve the instance from the property collection
MgEnvelopeMgEnvelope represents a bounding box defined in terms of a lower left coordinate and an upper right coordinate
MgExceptionBase class for exceptions
MgFeatureAggregateOptionsUse this class to set the filter criteria used to select groups of features from a datastore or for restricting the values returned to be unique
MgFeatureCommandIs the abstract base class for feature command classes: MgDeleteFeatures, MgInsertFeatures, and MgUpdateFeatures
MgFeatureCommandCollectionRepresents a collection of feature commands
MgFeatureCommandCollectionEnumeratorAn enumerator for an MgFeatureCommandCollection
MgFeatureCommandTypeIs a set of constants used to specify the type of an MgFeatureCommand object
MgFeatureGeometricTypeIs a set of constants specifying the dimensions of geometries which can be stored in a geometry property
MgFeaturePropertyStores MgFeatureReader data with an associated key name
MgFeaturePropertyTypeDefines names for the different types of property definitions. See MgPropertyDefinition::GetPropertyType
MgFeatureQueryOptionsUse this class to set filter criteria for selecting features from a datastore. Read the discussion of filters and expressions . An instance of this class is an argument to MgFeatureService::SelectFeatures(). This is the base class for MgFeatureAggregateOptions
MgFeatureReaderProvides a forward-only, read-only iterator for reading features selected from the FDO Provider by the MgFeatureService::SelectFeatures() method call
MgFeatureSchemaContains one or more feature class definitions, which specify the structure of feature data in a datastore
MgFeatureSchemaCollectionFeatureSchemaCollection represents a collection of feature schemas
MgFeatureSchemaCollectionEnumeratorAn enumerator for an MgFeatureSchemaCollection
MgFeatureServiceProvides an abstraction layer for the storage and retrieval of feature data in a technology-independent way. The API lets you determine what storage technologies are available and what capabilities they have. Access to the storage technology is modeled as a connection. For example, you can connect to a file and do simple insertions or connect to a relational database and do transaction-based operations
MgFeatureSourceParamsIs a virtual base class for feature source parameters used with MgFeatureSource::CreateFeatureSource. This class cannot be instantiated directly
MgFeatureSpatialOperationsIs a set of constants used to type spatial operations
MgGeometricDimensionMgGeometricDimension defines enumerated values used to specify the dimension of a geometry
MgGeometricEntityMgGeometricEntity is an abstract base class that is the root of all geometry and geometry component classes
MgGeometricPropertyDefinitionDefines a geometric property belonging to a feature class
MgGeometryMgGeometry is an abstract base class for all of the geometry types
MgGeometryCollectionMgGeometryCollection provides support for defining an ordered set of geometry objects
MgGeometryCollectionEnumeratorAn enumerator for an MgGeometryCollection
MgGeometryComponentMgGeometryComponent is the base class for all of the geometry component types, namely, MgArcSegment, MgCurveRing, MgLinearRing, and MgLinearSegment
MgGeometryComponentTypeMgGeometryComponentType defines a set of integer constants used to signify the type of a geometry component instance
MgGeometryFactoryUsed to construct objects whose classes are derived from MgGeometry
MgGeometryPropertyStores MgByteReader data with an associated key name
MgGeometryTypeMgGeometryType defines integer constants used to signify the derived type of an MgGeometry instance
MgGeometryTypeInfoDefines a list of geometric types. This is typically used for geometric property description
MgInsertFeaturesCreates an insert feature data command. You must add this command to an MgFeatureCommandCollection object and pass the latter in a call to MgFeatureService::UpdateFeatures
MgInt16PropertyStores Int16 data with an associated key name
MgInt32PropertyStores Int32 data with an associated key name
MgInt64PropertyStores Int64 data with an associated key name
MgIntCollectionThis class represents a collection of integers. The integers are owned and managed by the collection
MgIntCollectionEnumeratorAn enumerator for an MgIntCollection
MgLayerBaseGets and sets properties of a layer
MgLayerCollectionManipulates collections of MgLayerBase objects
MgLayerCollectionEnumeratorAn enumerator for an MgLayerCollection
MgLayerGroupManipulates the properties of a layer group
MgLayerGroupCollectionManipulates collections of MgLayerGroup objects
MgLayerGroupCollectionEnumeratorAn enumerator for an MgLayerGroupCollection
MgLayerGroupTypeMgLayerGroupType defines integer constants used to identify the type of a layer group
MgLayerTypeMgLayerType defines integer constants used to identify the type of a layer
MgLinearRingAn MgLinearRing is a geometry component
MgLinearRingCollectionMgLinearRingCollection provides support for defining an ordered set of linear rings
MgLinearRingCollectionEnumeratorAn enumerator for an MgLinearRingCollection
MgLinearSegmentMgLinearSegment is a geometry component used in the construction of MgCurveString geometries and MgCurveRing geometry components
MgLineStringAn MgLineString is a curve with linear interpolation between points
MgLineStringCollectionMgLineStringCollection provides support for defining an ordered set of line strings
MgLineStringCollectionEnumeratorAn enumerator for an MgLineStringCollection
MgLockFeaturesCreates an insert feature data command. You must add this command to an MgFeatureCommandCollection object and pass the latter in a call to MgFeatureService::UpdateFeatures
MgLongTransactionReaderProvides forward-only, read-only functionality for describing a set of long transactions that exist in the feature source
MgMapBaseDefines the runtime state of a map
MgMapCollectionManipulates collections of MgMapBase objects
MgMapCollectionEnumeratorAn enumerator for an MgMapCollection
MgMeasureMgMeasure is an abstract class that can be implemented to provide non-linear measurement for geometry operations
MgMimeTypeMime types for data to be sent to clients
MgMultiCurvePolygonAn MgMultiCurvePolygon is a two-dimensional aggregate geometry whose elements are MgCurvePolygon geometries
MgMultiCurveStringAn MgMultiCurveString is a one-dimensional aggregate geometry whose elements are MgCurveString geometries
MgMultiGeometryAn MgMultiGeometry is a heterogeneous aggregate of one or more MgGeometry objects
MgMultiLineStringAn MgMultiLineString is a one-dimensional aggregate geometry whose elements are MgLineString geometries
MgMultiPointAn MgMultiPoint is a 0 dimensional aggregate geometry whose elements are MgPoint geometries
MgMultiPolygonAn MgMultiPolygon is a two-dimensional aggregate geometry whose elements are MgPolygon geometries
MgNullablePropertyThis is the base class for all properties which can have NULL values. If a property value is NULL, there is no value, and a call to the GetValue() method throws an exception
MgObjectPropertyDefinitionDefines a feature property which contains one or more objects whose type is a feature class. If there is more than one object, an identity property is defined that is used to select an object from the collection
MgObjectPropertyTypeDefines the type of an MgObjectPropertionDefinition object property, that is, whether the property ccontains a single feature class object, or an unordered or ordered collection of them
MgOrderingOptionDefines a type used to specify the order in which features are returned by MgFeatureService::SelectFeatures. This type is used as an argument to the MgFeatureQueryOptions::SetOrderingFilter
MgPointAn MgPoint is a 0-dimensional geometry and represents a single location in coordinate space
MgPointCollectionMgPointCollection provides support for defining an ordered set of points
MgPointCollectionEnumeratorAn enumerator for an MgPointCollection
MgPolygonAn MgPolygon is a region, defined by 1 exterior boundary and 0 or more interior boundaries
MgPolygonCollectionMgPolygonCollection provides support for defining an ordered set of polygons
MgPolygonCollectionEnumeratorAn enumerator for an MgPolygonCollection
MgPropertyA base class for MgNullableProperty, which is the base class for all of the concrete property classes, for example, MgBooleanProperty and a base class for MgPropertyDefinition, which is the base class for all of the concrete property definition classes, for example, MgDataPropertyDefinition
MgPropertyCollectionMgPropertyCollection represents a collection of properties. All properties contained in an instance of a property collection are objects whose base class is MgProperty and whose derived class is one of the classes referenced in the topic Feature Properties . A call to a property object's GetPropertyType() method returns one of the integer constants defined in class MgPropertyType. This collection does not allow duplicate key names
MgPropertyCollectionEnumeratorAn enumerator for an MgPropertyCollection
MgPropertyDefinitionDefines the base class for the concrete property definition classes which are used to create data, geometric, object, and raster property definitions
MgPropertyDefinitionCollectionThis class contains property definitions for a feature class and makes up a portion of the complete feature class definition
MgPropertyDefinitionCollectionEnumeratorAn enumerator for an MgPropertyDefinitionCollection
MgPropertyTypeDefines the names for the various property types
MgRasterDataModelTypeEnumerated values used to determine the type of units for plot decorations (scale bar)
MgRasterPropertyStores MgRaster data with an associated key name
MgRasterPropertyDefinitionDefines a feature property which contains a raster image
MgReaderProvides a forward-only, read-only iterator for reading data. You must call ReadNext before you can access any data. This is a base class for MgDataReader, MgFeatureReader, and MgSqlDataReader
MgReaderTypeType of reader represented by an MgReader
MgReadOnlyLayerCollectionProvides read only access to a collection of MgLayerBase objects
MgReadOnlyLayerCollectionEnumeratorAn enumerator for an MgReadOnlyLayerCollection
MgRegionMgRegion is an abstract base class The concrete classes are MgPolygon and MgCurvePolygon
MgResourceThe abstract base class for all resource types
MgResourceDataNameDefines reserved names for resource data
MgResourceDataTypeDefines the different types of resource data
MgResourceIdentifierCreates and manipulates resource identifiers
MgResourceServiceEnables you to manipulate repositories and resources
MgResourceTagSubstitution tags used within the XML file for a resource
MgResourceTypeDefines names for the different types of resources
MgServiceClass Service Base class for all services APIs
MgServiceTypeService types for Platform services
MgSinglePropertyStores single precision floating point data with an associated key name
MgSpatialContextExtentTypeThe SpatialContextExtentType enumeration defines how the extent of a context should be handled by the provider
MgSpatialContextReaderProvides forward-only, read-only functionality for enumerating spatial context information retrieved from a feature source
MgSqlDataReaderProvides a forward-only, read-only iterator for reading data returned by a call to MgFeatureService::ExecuteSqlQuery
MgStringCollectionThis class represents a collection of strings. The collection maintains its own copy of strings
MgStringPropertyStores string data with an associated key name
MgStringPropertyCollectionEnumeratorAn enumerator for an MgStringPropertyCollection
MgTransformMgTransform is an abstract class that can be implemented to provide linear or projected coordinate transformations. There are currently no concrete classes
MgUnlockFeaturesCreates an unlock feature command. You must add this command to an MgFeatureCommandCollection object and pass the latter in a call to MgFeatureService::UpdateFeatures
MgUpdateFeaturesCreates an update feature data command. You must add this command to an MgFeatureCommandCollection object and pass the latter in a call to MgFeatureService::UpdateFeatures
MgWarningsExposes non-critical warning messages from services
MgWktReaderWriterTranslates a string in AGF (Autodesk Geometry Format) Text format into an MgGeometry object and vice versa. See the AGF Text topic.