Well-Known Text Representation of Spatial Reference Systems
[Coordinate System]
This extended BNF grammar represents the syntax of a Well-Known Text (WKT) specification of a Spatial Reference System (SRS), also known as a coordinate system. The grammar is taken verbatim from [OGC01-009] and is reproduced here for convenience. <math transform> = <param mt> | <concat mt> | <inv mt> | <passthrough mt> <param mt> = PARAM_MT["<classification name>" {,<parameter>}* ] <parameter> = PARAMETER["<name>", <value>] <value> = <number> <concat mt> = CONCAT_MT[<math transform> {,<math transform>}* ] <inv mt> = INVERSE_MT[<math transform>] <passthrough mt> = PASSTHROUGH_MT[<integer>, <math transform>] <coordinate system> = <horz cs> | <geocentric cs> | <vert cs> | <compd cs> | <fitted cs> | <local cs> <horz cs> = <geographic cs> | <projected cs> <projected cs> = PROJCS["<name>", <geographic cs>, <projection>, {<parameter>,}* <linear unit> {,<twin axes>}{,<authority>}] <projection> = PROJECTION["<name>" {,<authority>}] <geographic cs> = GEOGCS["<name>", <datum>, <prime meridian>, <angular unit> {,<twin axes>} {,<authority>}] <datum> = DATUM["<name>", <spheroid> {,<to wgs84>} {,<authority>}] <spheroid> = SPHEROID["<name>", <semi-major axis>, <inverse flattening> {,<authority>}] <semi-major axis> = <number> <inverse flattening> = <number> <prime meridian> = PRIMEM["<name>", <longitude> {,<authority>}] <longitude> = <number> <angular unit> = <unit> <linear unit> = <unit> <unit> = UNIT["<name>", <conversion factor> {,<authority>}] <conversion factor> = <number> <geocentric cs> = GEOCCS["<name>", <datum>, <prime meridian>, <linear unit> {,<axis>, <axis>, <axis>} {,<authority>}] <authority> = AUTHORITY["<name>", "<code>"] <vert cs> = VERT_CS["<name>", <vert datum>, <linear unit>, {<axis>,} {,<authority>}] <vert datum> = VERT_DATUM["<name>", <datum type> {,<authority>}] <datum type> = <number> <compd cs> = COMPD_CS["<name>", <head cs>, <tail cs> {,<authority>}] <head cs> = <coordinate system> <tail cs> = <coordinate system> <twin axes> = <axis>, <axis> <axis> = AXIS["<name>", NORTH | SOUTH | EAST | WEST | UP | DOWN | OTHER] <to wgs84s> = TOWGS84[<seven param>] <seven param> = <dx>, <dy>, <dz>, <ex>, <ey>, <ez>, <ppm> <dx> = <number> <dy> = <number> <dz> = <number> <ex> = <number> <ey> = <number> <ez> = <number> <ppm> = <number> <fitted cs> = FITTED_CS["<name>", <to base>, <base cs>] <to base> = <math transform> <base cs> = <coordinate system> <local cs> = LOCAL_CS["<name>", <local datum>, <unit>, <axis>, {,<axis>}* {,<authority>}] <local datum> = LOCAL_DATUM["<name>", <datum type> {,<authority>}]