AutoCAD Map 3D 2009 Geospatial Platform Reference

AutoCAD Map 3D Geospatial Platform API

MgSelectionBase Class Reference

Inherits MgResource.

List of all members.

Detailed Description

Exposed API class for handling selection Represents a set of selections for multiple layers and classes

Public Member Functions

void Add (CREFSTRING layer, CREFSTRING className, CREFSTRING id)
 Adds the given feature (represented by its base64 encoded id) to the selection set.
void AddFeatureIdDouble (MgLayerBase *layer, CREFSTRING className, double identifier)
 Add a single selection to the set where the identity property is a double.
void AddFeatureIdInt16 (MgLayerBase *layer, CREFSTRING className, INT16 identifier)
 Add a single selection to the set where the identity property is a 16-bit integer.
void AddFeatureIdInt32 (MgLayerBase *layer, CREFSTRING className, INT32 identifier)
 Add a single selection to the set where the identity property is a 32-bit integer.
void AddFeatureIdInt64 (MgLayerBase *layer, CREFSTRING className, INT64 identifier)
 Add a single selection to the set where the identity property is a 64-bit integer.
void AddFeatureIds (MgLayerBase *layer, CREFSTRING className, MgPropertyCollection *identityProperties)
 Add a single selection to the set based on a collection of identity properties.
void AddFeatureIdString (MgLayerBase *layer, CREFSTRING className, CREFSTRING identifier)
 Add a single selection to the set where the identity property is a string.
void AddFeatures (MgLayerBase *layer, MgFeatureReader *features, INT32 nFeatures)
 Add nFeatures to selection set from the FeatureReader. Specify nFeatures = 0 for all features in reader. Internal identity mapping for layer dictates the properties used.
bool Contains (MgLayerBase *layer, CREFSTRING className)
 Does a particular layer and class have selections.
void FromXml (CREFSTRING xmlSelectionString)
 Read selection from XML document. Previous selection is cleared.
STRING GenerateFilter (MgLayerBase *layer, CREFSTRING className)
 Generates an Fdo filter text for the selections of the specified layer and class.
 Returns the class name for the layer.
MgStringCollectionGetClasses (CREFSTRING layer)
 Returns list of selected classes for a layer.
MgEnvelopeGetExtents (MgFeatureService *featureService)
 Gets the extents of the selection set.
MgReadOnlyLayerCollectionGetLayers ()
 Returns list of selected layers.
STRING GetResourceName (CREFSTRING sessionId, CREFSTRING mapName)
 Builds a resource name based on the map name amd the session id.
virtual MgFeatureReaderGetSelectedFeatures (MgLayerBase *layer, CREFSTRING className, MgStringCollection *propertyNames)
virtual MgFeatureReaderGetSelectedFeatures (MgLayerBase *layer, CREFSTRING className, bool mappedOnly)
 Returns the selected feature data for the specified feature class.
INT32 GetSelectedFeaturesCount (MgLayerBase *layer, CREFSTRING className)
 Returns the number of selected features.
 MgSelectionBase (MgMapBase *map, CREFSTRING xmlSelectionString)
 Initialize selection from a map and xml selection.
 MgSelectionBase (MgMapBase *map)
 Initialize selection generation from a map.
virtual void Open (MgResourceService *resourceService, CREFSTRING mapName)
 Loads the map object from a session repository.
virtual void Save (MgResourceService *resourceService, CREFSTRING mapName)
 Save the map object to a session repository.
 Write selection as XML document. This document will typically be passed back to a viewer to select the desired features.