AutoCAD Map 3D 2009 Geospatial Platform Reference

AutoCAD Map 3D Geospatial Platform API

MgGeometricEntity Class Reference

Inherits MgSerializable.

Inherited by MgGeometry, and MgGeometryComponent.

List of all members.

Detailed Description

MgGeometricEntity is an abstract base class that is the root of all geometry and geometry component classes.

Geometric entities are immutable once constructed.

Public Member Functions

Copy ()=0
 Returns a copy of this geometric entity.
virtual MgEnvelopeEnvelope ()
 Gets this geometric entity's bounding box.
virtual double GetArea ()
 Returns the area for this geometric entity or zero for MgLineString and MgPoint objects. Calculates the area for each MgPolygon in an MgMultiPolygon or for each MgCurvePolygon in an MgMultiCurvePolygon and returns the sum of areas.
virtual MgPointGetCentroid ()
virtual INT32 GetDimension ()=0
 Gets the geometric dimension of this entity, indicating whether the entity is defined by points, curves, or regions, that is, is zero, one, or two dimensional.
virtual double GetLength ()
virtual bool IsClosed ()=0
 Tests whether the entity's boundary encloses an area.
virtual bool IsEmpty ()=0
virtual bool IsSimple ()
 Tests whether this entity is simple or not. Simple entities do not contain any points of self-tangency or self intersection.
virtual bool IsValid ()
 Tests whether the coordinates given to construct the entity represent a valid Geometry or GeometryComponent.
Transform (MgTransform *transform)=0
 Returns a transformed copy of this geometric entity.