AutoCAD Map 3D 2009 Geospatial Platform Reference

AutoCAD Map 3D Geospatial Platform API

virtual MgCoordinate* MgCoordinateSystemTransform::Transform ( MgCoordinate coordinate  )  [pure virtual]

Transforms the given coordinate whose frame of reference is the source coordinate system into a coordinate whose frame of reference is the target coordinate system.

.NET Syntax
virtual MgCoordinate Transform(MgCoordinate coordinate);
Java Syntax
virtual MgCoordinate Transform(MgCoordinate coordinate);
PHP Syntax
virtual MgCoordinate Transform(MgCoordinate coordinate);

coordinate (MgCoordinate) An MgCoordinate object defined in terms of the source coordinate system.
Returns an MgCoordinate object which is the equivalent in the target coordinate system of the given coordinate.
Example (PHP) The name of $coordSys1 is "Longitude / Latitude (NAD 83)". The name of $coordSys2 is "UTM Zone 18 (NAD 83)". $csTransform12 transforms coordinates defined in terms of $coordSys1 to coordinates defined in terms of $coordSys2. $csTransform21 does the reverse.

The MgCoordinate object can contain an XY, XYM, XYZ, or XYZM coordinate. This example uses an XY coordinate.

The value of $x1Arg is -71.061342, and the value of $y1Arg is 42.355892. These values are the longitude and latitude of Boston, Massachusetts.

The output is:

x21: -71.061341999861

y21: 42.355891999573

y12 : 4696809.9055963
 $csTransform12 = new MgCoordinateSystemTransform($coordSys1, $coordSys2);
 $csTransform21 = new MgCoordinateSystemTransform($coordSys2, $coordSys1);
 $coordinateArg = $geometryFactory->CreateCoordinateXY($xArg, $yArg);
 $coordinate12 = $csTransform12->Transform($coordinateArg);
 $x12 = $coordinate12->GetX();
 $y12 = $coordinate12->GetY();
 $coordinate21 = $csTransform21->Transform($coordinate12);
 $x21 = $coordinate21->GetX();
 $y21 = $coordinate21->GetY();
 echo "$xArg: $xArg; $x21: $x21n";
 echo "$yArg: $yArg; $y21: $y21n";
 echo "$x12: $x12; $y12 : $y12n";

Example (C#)
 using OSGeo.MapGuide;
 private MgCoordinateSystemTransform coordSysTransformGeogToProj;
 private MgCoordinateSystemTransform coordSysTransformProjToGeog;
 private double geogCSX = -160.101421317;
 private double geogCSY = 22.0234263273;
 private double projCSX = 386323.97632;
 private double projCSY = 2435829.67936;
 private MgCoordinate XY;
 Boolean isEquivalent;
 private double tolerance = 0.001;

 XY = coordSysTransformGeogToProj.Transform(geogCSX, geogCSY);
 the X and Y values of XY are equal to projCSX and projCSY
 isEquivalent = Math.Abs(projCSX - XY.GetX()) < tolerance && Math.Abs(projCSY - XY.GetY()) < tolerance;

 XY = coordSysTransformProjToGeog.Transform(projCSX, projCSY);
 the X and Y values of XY are equal to geogCSX and geogCSY
 isEquivalent = Math.Abs(geogCSX - XY.GetX()) < tolerance && Math.Abs(geogCSY - XY.GetY()) < tolerance;


Implements MgTransform.