Transforms an MgEnvelope instance for the source coordinate system into an MgEnvelope instance for target coordinate system.
.NET Syntax
Java Syntax
PHP Syntax
Example (PHP)
The result of executing this code is that $env1 is the same as $env21 and $env2 is the same as $env12.
$coordSys1 = $coordSysFactory->Create($wkt1); $coordSys2 = $coordSysFactory->Create($wkt2); $csTransform12 = new MgCoordinateSystemTransform($coordSys1, $coordSys2); $csTransform21 = new MgCoordinateSystemTransform($coordSys2, $coordSys1); $coordSysMeasure1 = new MgCoordinateSystemMeasure($coordSys1); $coordSysMeasure2 = new MgCoordinateSystemMeasure($coordSys2); $env1 = $coordSysMeasure1->GetEnvelope(); $env2 = $coordSysMeasure2->GetEnvelope(); $env12 = $csTransform12->Transform($env1); $env21 = $csTransform21->Transform($env2);
Example (C#)
This code creates a geography coordinate system envelope that is approximately 30 km on the diagonal and transforms that envelope into its equivalent in a projected coordinate system. using OSGeo.MapGuide; private MgCoordinateSystemTransform coordSysTransformGeogToProj; private MgCoordinateSystemTransform coordSysTransformProjToGeog; private double geogCSX = -160.101421317; private double geogCSY = 22.0234263273; private MgEnvelope geogCSEnv; private MgEnvelope projCSEnv; private double urX = geogCSX + 0.2; private double urY = geogCSY + 0.2; double expectedProjLLX = 386323.976322775; double expectedProjLLY = 2435694.36972722; double expectedProjURX = 407098.230068439; double expectedProjURY = 2457970.15998103; double tolerance = 0.001; Boolean lowerLeftIsEquivalent; Boolean upperRightIsEquivalent; geogCSEnv = new MgEnvelope(geogCSX, geogCSY, urX, urY); projCSEnv = coordSysTransformGeogToProj.Transform(geogCSEnv); lowerLeftIsEquivalent = Math.Abs(expectedProjLLX - projCSEnv.GetLowerLeftCoordinate().GetX()) < tolerance && Math.Abs(expectedProjLLY - projCSEnv.GetLowerLeftCoordinate().GetY()) < tolerance; upperRightIsEquivalent = Math.Abs(expectedProjURX - projCSEnv.GetUpperRightCoordinate().GetX()) < tolerance && Math.Abs(expectedProjURY - projCSEnv.GetUpperRightCoordinate().GetY()) < tolerance;
Implements MgTransform.