Bookshelf. Working with dictionaries.
Working with dictionaries
Every attached dictionary has its own button on the Lingvo Bookshelf. To make a dictionary active/inactive just click its button on the Lingvo Bookshelf. The words of active dictionaries are used for translation and full-text searches.
To attach/detach system dictionaries:
- Go to Start>Settings>Control Panel and click on Add/Remove Programs.
- In the opening window, select ABBYY Lingvo 8.0 English-Russian Edition (or ABBYY Lingvo 8.0 Multilingual Edition) and click Change. This starts the Lingvo InstallShield Wizard.
- Select Change and click Next.
- In the opening Custom Setup dialog, select the dictionaries you wish to install, click Next and follow the program’s instructions.
To attach/detach the LingvoSound dictionary:
- Go to Start>Settings>Control Panel and click on Add/Remove Programs. In the opening window, select ABBYY Lingvo 8.0 English-Russian Edition (or ABBYY Lingvo 8.0 Multilingual Edition) and click Change. This starts the Lingvo InstallShield Wizard. Select Change and click Next. In the opening Custom Setup dialog, select the LingvoSound dictionary, click Next and follow the program’s instructions.
Note: Make sure to install the LingvoSound dictionary in the same folder where ABBYY Lingvo was installed.
Attaching/detaching user dictionaries
You can attach any Lingvo-compatible dictionary, created by yourself, downloaded from or acquired from other sources.
Every user dictionary you place on the Bookshelf is used for full-text search. For this purpose an index is built for each user dictionary you add to the Bookshelf.
Lingvo will start building an index for a new user dictionary that you placed on the Bookshelf when you enter your first query. This may take several minutes for large dictionaries containing thousands of words.
When a user dictionary is removed from the Bookshelf, its index is also removed. Lingvo will remove the index when you enter your first query.
Your user dictionary will be automatically added to the set of dictionaries of the same translation direction.
If there are no dictionaries of the same language combination as that of your user dictionary, a new Bookshelf will be created. The new languages will be added to the list of available languages.
Note: The current language is nor changed when you add a new dictionary, so you may have to switch to the respective Bookshelf to see your new dictionary. To do this, select your new dictionary’s source language on the Language bar.
To attach a user dictionary:
- Drag-&-drop its file (with .adc, .lsd or .lud extension) onto the Lingvo Bookshelf.
Choose Languages & Dictionaries... on the Tools menu.
To detach a user dictionary:
- Hold down the ALT key, click on the button of the dictionary you want to detach and drag it outside of the Bookshelf.
Note: You can make all the dictionaries on the Bookshelf active/inactive. Right-click on the Bookshelf and select Enable all dictionaries/Disable all dictionaries from the local menu.
Priority of dictionaries
The place of a dictionary on the Lingvo Bookshelf is important. When displaying cards with translations, Lingvo first will show cards from the first dictionary to the left, then from the second dictionary to the left, etc.
To move a dictionary on the Bookshelf:
- Hold down the ALT key and click on the button of the dictionary you want to move.
- Drag the dictionary to a new place.
- Release the mouse button.
Monolingual dictionaries on the Bookshelf
By default, monolingual dictionaries are shown on the Bookshelf for which their language is chosen as both the source and target language (e.g. Russian-Russian) and on the Bookshelves for which their language is chosen as the source language.
To make monolingual dictionaries appear only on monolingual Bookshelves:
· Go to Tools>Languages & Dictionaries... and uncheck Add monolingual dictionaries of the source language to the Bookshelf.
Now you will see Russian monolingual dictionaries on the Bookshelf only when you choose Russian as both your source and target language on the Language bar, English monolingual dictionaries only when you choose English as both your source and target language on the Language bar, etc.