ABBYY Lingvo Multilingual Edition Features
1. You can use the languages of all the active dictionaries when translating words or phrases from external applications (using CTRL+INS+INS or CTRL+C+C Magic Keys).
By default, Lingvo will try to translate your query word using the current pair of languages set on the Language bar. Therefore, when you switch to a text in a different language, you will have to adjust the languages on the Language bar accordingly.
In ABBYY Lingvo Multilingual Edition, you can use all the languages of the active dictionaries when translating a word or phrase from another application (using CTRL+INS+INS or CTRL+C+C Magic Keys). This option can be useful if you work with texts written in several languages.
To translate a word or phrase from an external application using the languages of all the active dictionaries:
Go to Tools>Options, click the General tab and select All languages of all active dictionaries in the group Languages used to detect the language of a word when translating from other applications.
2. You can translate a word or phrase using all the languages available in Lingvo.
If you are not sure of the language of the word or phrase you wish to translate, you can choose Translate Using All Languages on the Tools menu. Lingvo will try to translate your query word using all the languages of the active dictionaries.
To translate a word or phrase using all the available languages:
Type your query word or phrase in the Edit Line.
Choose Translate Using All Languages on the Tools menu or press SHIFT+
Cards with translations for your query word will be displayed. If more than three cards are found in response to your query, you will see a Translations window containing a list of cards with translations. To the left of the heading of each card its language is displayed. When you use Translate Using All Languages instead of Translate, you will notice the following differences:
Cards from dictionaries of various language pairs will be displayed at the same time.
In the drop-down list of each card you will see a list of dictionaries of the same translation direction.
The number of cards matches the number of translation directions in which Lingvo has found translations for your query.
Example. Suppose you need to translate the word bat, but are not sure which language the word comes from. Type bat in the Edit Line and choose Translate Using All Languages on the Tools menu. Lingvo will find bat in three languages: English, French and German.
Note: You will obtain the results described in the example above only if you have installed all system dictionaries.
3. You can translate a word or phrase into all the languages available in Lingvo.
In Lingvo Multilingual Edition, you can translate a word from a card into all the available languages.
To translate a word from a card into all the available languages:
On the card, right-click on the word you wish to translate and select Translate into All Languages from the local menu.
You will see the cards with translations of your query word into all the languages available in Lingvo.
4. You can perform a full-text search for a word typed in the Edit Line using all the languages of the active dictionaries.
To perform a full-text search in all the languages of all the active dictionaries:
Type your query word in the Edit Line.
Choose Search in All Languages on the Tools menu or click
or press CTRL+SHIFT+F.
5. You can perform a full-text search for a word from a card using all the languages of the active dictionaries (in Multilingual Edition).
To perform a full-text search for a word from a card in all the active dictionaries:
On the card, right-click on the desired word and choose Search in All Languages from the local menu.
For details see: