Alternative (non-obligatory) heading section.
The card heading in DSL can denote an alternative (non-obligatory) section marked by brackets.
This feature allows you to mark certain spelling variants of a particular word, or to denote that certain morphological distinction present in one language are irrelevant in the other.
turn into
This notion is formal equivalent to the following:
turn into
However, in the first case «превращать(ся)» will be displayed in the card; this way of display is methodically better.
If you have marked several heading sections as non-obligatory, the overall Word List will contain every possible heading variant. For example, a heading written as follows: (пре)вращать(ся) will be displayed in the overall Word List in four variants: превращаться, превращать, вращаться and вращать.
Attention! We advice you not to use the brackets in the heading for any other purpose but the described above.
For details see:
How the headings are sorted