You can specify a subentry in a card body. A subentry is used to present some widely used expressions and phrases with the card headword. Alike to card, a subentry has a heading and a body. When the system displays main card, only the subentry heading is displayed in it, not the entire subentry. A subentry is displayed in a different color. When you click this heading another card containing the subentry heading and body is displayed. The subentry heading is displayed in the overall Word List; you can display the subentry card if you click on it in the overall Word List too. It will be as well displayed if you translate the respective expression from a word processor. A single card can contain several subentries.
A subentry heading must begin with a @ in a new line, while the first line position must be occupied by a space or a tab. A subentry body is written according to the same rules as card body, but you must conclude it by a new line, the first position of which must be occupied by a space or tab followed by a @ character. The following example shows a card with two subentries, both of which are entered under respective headword meaning:
1) маленький
@ little one
2) немного, мало
3) пустяк, мелочь
@ little by little
мало-помалу, постепенно
A subentry heading can contain alternative and/or unsorted part. These parts are only displayed only when you display the subentry card.
In DSL all subentries are considered to be displayed only in full translation mode - they are included in «[*]» ….» [/*]» tags, as shows the Ex.2. If you want your user dictionary resemble Lingvo dictionary, do the same with your dictionary.
1) маленький
[*]@ little finger
@ little ways
маленькие, смешные слабости
NB: If a card contains several running subentries (as in the Ex.2), the beginning of a new subentry is the end of the previous subentry. In this case you can put only one "at sign" (@).