Errors 18000 - 18999

Troubleshooting SQL Server


Errors 18000 - 18999

Error Severity Description (Message Text)
18002 20 Stored function '%.*ls' in the library '%.*ls' generated an access violation. SQL Server is terminating process %d.
18100 10 Process ID %d killed by hostname %.*ls, host process ID %d.
18450 14 Login failed for user '%ls'. Reason: Not defined as a valid user of a trusted SQL Server connection.
18451 14 Login failed for user '%ls'. Only administrators may connect at this time.
18452 14 Login failed for user '%ls'. Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection.
18453 14 Login succeeded for user '%ls'. Connection: Trusted.
18454 14 Login succeeded for user '%ls'. Connection: Non-Trusted.
18455 14 Login succeeded for user '%ls'.
18456 14 Login failed for user '%ls'.
18457 14 Login failed for user '%ls'. Reason: User name contains a mapping character or is longer than 30 characters.
18458 14 Login failed. The maximum simultaneous user count of %d licenses for this server has been exceeded. Additional licenses should be obtained and registered through the Licensing application in the Windows NT Control Panel.
18459 14 Login failed. The maximum workstation licensing limit for SQL Server access has been exceeded.
18460 14 Login failed. The maximum simultaneous user count of %d licenses for this '%ls' server has been exceeded. Additional licenses should be obtained and installed or you should upgrade to a full version.
18461 14 Login failed for user '%ls'. Reason: Server is in single user mode. Only one administrator can connect at this time.
18482 16 Could not connect to server '%ls' because '%ls' is not defined as a remote server.
18483 16 Could not connect to server '%ls' because '%ls' is not defined as a remote login at the server.
18485 16 Could not connect to server '%ls' because it is not configured for remote access.
18666 17 Could not free up descriptor in rel_desclosed() system function.
18750 16 %ls: The parameter '%ls' is invalid.
18751 16 %ls procedure called with incorrect number of parameters.
18752 16 Another log reader is replicating the database.
18754 16 Could not open table %d.
18755 16 Could not allocate memory for replication.
18756 16 Could not get replication information for table %d.
18757 16 The database is not published.
18759 16 Replication failure. File '%ls', line %d.
18760 16 Invalid %ls statement for article %d.
18761 16 Commit record at (%ls) has already been distributed. Check DBTABLE.
18762 16 Invalid begin LSN (%ls) for commit record (%ls). Check DBTABLE.
18763 16 Commit record (%ls) reports oldest active LSN as (0:0:0).
18764 16 Execution of filter stored procedure %d failed. See the SQL Server errorlog for more information.
18765 16 Begin LSN specified for replication log scan is invalid.
18766 16 The replbeginlsn field in the DBTABLE is invalid.
18767 16 The specified begin LSN (%ls) for replication log scan occurs before replbeginlsn (%ls).
18768 16 The specified LSN (%ls) for repldone log scan occurs before the current start of replication in the log (%ls).
18769 16 The specified LSN (%ls) for repldone log scan is not a replicated commit record.
18770 16 The specified LSN (%ls) for repldone log scan is not present in the transaction log.
18771 16 Invalid storage type %d specified writing variant of type %d.
18772 16 Invalid server data type (%d) specified in repl type lookup.
18773 16 Could not locate text information records for column %d during command construction.
18774 16 The stored procedure sp_replsetoriginator must be executed within a transaction.
18775 16 The Log Reader Agent encountered an unexpected log record of type %u encountered while processing DML operation.
18776 16 An error occurred while waiting on the article cache access event.
18777 16 %s: Error initializing MSMQ components
18778 16 %s: Error opening Microsoft Message Queue %s