Error 8645

Troubleshooting SQL Server


Error 8645

Severity Level 17
Message Text

A time out occurred while waiting for memory resources to execute the query. Re-run the query.


If the query wait configuration option is -1, then Microsoft® SQL Server™ waited 25 times the estimated query cost for the memory required to run the query. If query time is a nonnegative value, then SQL Server waited this amount of time, in seconds, for the memory required to run the query. The query timed out and it has not been executed.


You can:

  • Free memory on the server.
    • Check the size of the virtual memory paging file.

    • If possible, increase the size of the file.

    • Shut down any other applications running, if applicable, on the server.
  • Add additional memory to the server.

  • Reduce the server workload.

    To decrease the server workload, reduce the number of users currently using SQL Server. To prevent additional users from logging in to SQL Server, pause the server. For more information, see Pausing and Resuming SQL Server.

  • Create one or more indexes.

  • Increase the query wait configuration value.

See Also

Index Tuning Wizard

query wait Option
