Error 3023

Troubleshooting SQL Server


Error 3023

Severity Level 16
Message Text

Backup and file manipulation operations (such as ALTER DATABASE ADD FILE) on a database must be serialized. Reissue the statement after the current backup or file manipulation operation is completed.


These operations may not be performed at the same time as a backup operation:

  • File management operations such as the ALTER DATABASE statement with either the ADD FILE or REMOVE FILE clauses.

  • The file truncation phase of shrink database or shrink file.

If a backup is started when either an add or remove file operation is in progress, the backup will wait for a timeout period, then fail. If a backup is running and one of these operations is attempted, the operation fails immediately.

If a shrink operation tries to truncate a file while a backup is running, the shrink stops without truncating the file, however data pages have been relocated. If a backup is started just as a file is being truncated, backup normally waits long enough for the file truncation to complete.


Reissue the operation after the conflicting operation has completed.

If a shrink operation fails, reissue the shrink command with the TRUNCATE_ONLY option after the backup completes.

See Also


Backing Up and Restoring Databases




Setting Database Options

Troubleshooting Backing Up and Restoring