CommandType Text Formats

Replication Programming

Replication Programming

CommandType Text Formats

The CommandType member of the DISTCOMMANDDESC structure requires specific text formatting when specifying these items

  • Transact-SQL data types

  • Working directories

  • Schema files

  • bcp files
Transact-SQL Data Types

When using DISTCMDTYPE_SQL, data types in Transact-SQL statements have these formats.

Data type Format Comment
{ts 'yyyy'mm'dd hh'mm'ss[.mmm]'} Milliseconds are optional.
{b 'data'} Where data is one or more characters within the range: [0-9a-f]. It should not contain a leading 0x.
Long Binary
{lb 'data'} Where data is one or more characters within the range: [0-9a-f]. It should not include a leading 0x.
'data' Where data is any sequence of characters. Single quotation marks within the data portion must be expanded to two adjacent single quotation marks.
Long Character
{lc 'data'} Where data is any sequence of characters. Single quotation marks within the data portion must be expanded to two adjacent single quotation marks.

Working Directories

When using DISTCMDTYPE_WORKINGDIR, include escape characters (\) in the file paths.

const char szDir[] = ":\\Program Files\\Microsoft SQL Server\\mssql\\repldata\\unc\\samppub\\";
DISTCOMMANDDESC       aCommand[60];
INT            NumCommands = 0;
DistByteArray      XactId;
DistByteArray      XactSeqno;
CHAR            szWrkDir[_MAX_PATH];

// Get the current working directory.
sprintf(szWrkDir, "%c", (char)(_getdrive() + 'A' - 1) );
strcat(szWrkDir, szDir);

// Set working directory.
aCommand[i].PublicationId = 1;
aCommand[i].ArticleId = 1;
aCommand[i].CommandId = NumCommands;
aCommand[i].fPartialCommand = FALSE;
aCommand[i].pXactId = (BYTE *)&XactId;
aCommand[i].pXactSeqno = (BYTE *)&XactSeqno;
aCommand[i].szOriginator = NULL;
aCommand[i].szOriginatorDB = NULL;
aCommand[i].szCommand = (LPSTR)szWrkDir;
Schema Files

When using DISTCMDTYPE_SCRIPT, include escape characters (\) in file paths.

const char szDir[] = ":\\Program Files\\Microsoft SQL Server\\mssql\\repldata\\unc\\samppub\\";   
const char szScriptCmd[] = "%ssamptab.sch";
DISTCOMMANDDESC       aCommand[60];
char             pszCmdBuf[60][255];
INT            NumCommands = 0;
DistByteArray      XactId;
DistByteArray      XactSeqno;

// Get the current working directory.
sprintf(szWrkDir, "%c", (char)(_getdrive() + 'A' - 1) );
strcat(szWrkDir, szDir);

// Execute script - table schema.
aCommand[i].PublicationId = 1;
aCommand[i].ArticleId = 1;
aCommand[i].CommandId = NumCommands;
aCommand[i].CommandType = DISTCMDTYPE_SCRIPT;
aCommand[i].fPartialCommand = FALSE;
aCommand[i].pXactId = (BYTE *)&XactId;
aCommand[i].pXactSeqno = (BYTE *)&XactSeqno;
aCommand[i].szOriginator = NULL;
aCommand[i].szOriginatorDB = NULL;

sprintf(pszCmdBuf[i], szScriptCmd, szWrkDir);
aCommand[i].szCommand = pszCmdBuf[i];

Use this format in .sch files:

CREATE TABLE [Samptbl1] (C1 INT, C2 VARCHAR(20))
bcp Files

When using DISTCMDTYPE_CHAR_BCP or DISTCMDTYPE_NATIVE_BCP, you can use these switches with the sync command.

Switch Description
-t Destination table.
-o Destination owner.
-d Data file.
-f Field delimiter. Default field delimiter:  \n<x$3>\n
-r Row delimiter. Default row delimiter:  \n<,@g>\n
-u Unicode. This switch applies only when using DISTCMDTYPE_NATIVE_BCP type bcp files.
-m Denotes that the file is a character bcp file with a Unicode marker at the beginning of the file.

Include escape characters (\) in file paths. Begin switch arguments with quotation marks (") and end the arguments with a backslash and quotation marks (\").

const char szDir[] = ":\\Program Files\\Microsoft SQL Server\\mssql\\repldata\\unc\\samppub\\";   
const char szBCPCmd[] = "sync -t\"SampTable1\" -d\"%ssamptab.bcp\" -u";
DISTCOMMANDDESC       aCommand[60];
char             pszCmdBuf[60][255];
INT            NumCommands = 0;
DistByteArray      XactId;
DistByteArray      XactSeqno;

// Get the current working directory.
sprintf(szWrkDir, "%c", (char)(_getdrive() + 'A' - 1) );
strcat(szWrkDir, szDir);

// Import data - char bcp.
aCommand[i].PublicationId = 1;
aCommand[i].ArticleId = 1;
aCommand[i].CommandId = NumCommands;
aCommand[i].CommandType = DISTCMDTYPE_CHAR_BCP;
aCommand[i].fPartialCommand = FALSE;
aCommand[i].pXactId = (BYTE *)&XactId;
aCommand[i].pXactSeqno = (BYTE *)&XactSeqno;
aCommand[i].szOriginator = NULL;
aCommand[i].szOriginatorDB = NULL;

sprintf(pszCmdBuf[i], szBCPCmd, szWrkDir);
aCommand[i].szCommand = pszCmdBuf[i];