SQLMerge Object

Replication Programming

Replication Programming

SQLMerge Object

The SQL Merge control is implemented as a Microsoft® ActiveX® in-process component. The SQL Merge control provides an alternate way, in addition to the Merge Agent, to synchronize merge subscriptions. Its primary class, the SQLMerge object, provides the functionality of the Merge Agent and supports synchronization of push, pull, or anonymous subscriptions to a merge publication. The SQLMerge object also includes the options to:

  • Add or drop subscriptions and register them for synchronization using Windows Synchronization Manager.

  • Specify whether only the upload phase, the download phase, or both phases are run.

  • Specify an alternate snapshot folder, from which the initial snapshot for a subscription can be applied.

  • Specify a client-side working directory to which snapshot files can be copied using FTP.

  • Copy a subscription database by generating a specially formatted subscription file in a specified location. These files can then be attached to create a synchronized subscription registered at the Publisher, as part of the attach-and-go functionality.

  • Synchronize with a Publisher other than the one at which its subscription originated. Alternate Publishers must contain the same schema and data set as the original Publisher.

  • Access an alternate sync partner when the primary Publisher of the data for the Subscriber is temporarily unavailable, or select an alternate sync partner to use the fastest available connection speed.

  • Attach a subscription database by specifying only Subscriber-side properties. The Publisher, PublisherDatabase, Distributor, and Publication properties no longer need to be set while adding attach-and-go subscriptions.

  • Validate that a subscription has the expected data.

AlternateSyncPartners Property

AltSnapshotFolder Property

Distributor Property

DistributorAddress Property

DistributorLogin Property

DistributorNetwork Property

DistributorPassword Property

DistributorSecurityMode Property

DynamicSnapshotLocation Property

ErrorRecords Property

ExchangeType Property

FileTransferType Property

FTPAddress Property

FTPLogin Property

FTPPassword Property

FTPPort Property

HostName Property

LoginTimeout Property

ProfileName Property

Publication Property

Publisher Property

PublisherAddress Property

PublisherChanges Property

PublisherConflicts Property

PublisherDatabase Property

PublisherLogin Property

PublisherNetwork Property

PublisherPassword Property

PublisherSecurityMode Property

QueryTimeout Property

Subscriber Property

SubscriberChanges Property

SubscriberConflicts Property

SubscriberDatabase Property

SubscriberDatabasePath Property

SubscriberDatasourceType Property

SubscriberLogin Property

SubscriberPassword Property

SubscriberSecurityMode Property

SubscriptionName Property

SubscriptionPriority Property

SubscriptionPriorityType Property

SubscriptionType Property

SynchronizationType Property

SyncToAlternate Property

UseInteractiveResolver Property

Validate Property

WorkingDirectory Property


AddSubscription Method

CopySubscription Method

DropSubscription Method

Initialize Method

ReinitializeSubscription Method

Run Method

Terminate Method


Status Event


To refer to the elements of this object from a Microsoft Visual Basic® application, in the Project/References dialog box, select Microsoft SQL Merge Control 8.0. In a C/C++ application, include Replmrgx.c and Sqlmergx.h, and reference Sqlmergx.dll from the project/NMAKE file.

See Also

Developing Replication Applications Using ActiveX Controls